Nikola Tesla and me at Barnes and Noble

For anyone who may have missed it – Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity is now in Barnes and Noble bookstores. Sterling Publishing is a subsidiary of B&N so the book is initially available exclusively at Barnes and Noble bookstores, on (and, and better yet, directly from me on this Science Traveler website. [Any books bought directly will come signed by me.]

Today I stopped by the Barnes and Noble bookstore in downtown Washington DC. I met with several of the friendliest staff you can ever imagine – these people love books! They were very happy to show me that the stack of books is prominently stacked right inside the main door. I even had my photo taken.

Barnes and Noble DC 23July2013

While I was there I happily signed each and every book they had in stock, plus slipped in a free bookmark for good measure. The fantastic staff added a sticker to the cover highlighting that it was “Author Signed.” Very cool, if I do say so myself. I’ll be stopping by other area Barnes and Noble stores to sign their stock as well, so look for books with the extra stickers on the front.

So you have three ways to get a copy of the book:

1) Purchase it online at You can get it as a hardcover or a Nook e-book. Or both.

2) Head down to your local Barnes and Noble store. Or,

3) Buy it direct from me on this website. I’ll sign every book ordered directly from me, and add an inscription to anyone of your choosing if you send me an email. The books make great gifts.

Be sure to write a review on the and Goodreads websites when you finish reading. Here are other ways you can help Spread the Word.

I’m off to write an article for WIRE Magazine (more on that later). I’ll also be following up with some of the feedback I’ve received on the book.

Order Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity now!

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. Hey David,

    Check out my new novel “Alternating Current” a historical thriller based on Tesla!

  2. Thanks for contributing to the Tesla movement! It really seems like there will never be enough information about Tesla and his brilliant inventions.

  3. Pingback: Reviews are in for Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity | Science Traveler

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