Countdown to Tesla and Renewable Energy has Begun!

David J. KentThe clock is ticking.The finishing touches are being made. And the countdown has begun. Coming in late June is my new ebook on Nikola Tesla’s interest and advocacy of renewable energy. As I wrote in September of 2012:

How many people knew that Nikola Tesla was a proponent of renewable energy? More than 100 years ago Tesla was pushing the idea that fossil fuels – most coal and oil at that time – were not sustainable resources.

Tesla’s first foray into renewable energy, what he called “harnessing the energy of nature,” was his contribution to hydroelectric power at Niagara Falls.

But Tesla didn’t stop there. He looked at other natural sources of energy too, including the sun (solar power), the wind (windmills), and water (tides, ocean waves, even power from the rain).  He believed we could harness the power of cosmic rays. He developed a system for geothermal energy. And he believed the energy of the earth could be unlimited.

All of this and more will be discussed in an new ebook to be available in June 2014. But before that happens I need a good title, and I’m asking for your help. Tesla and Renewable Energy is my working title, but perhaps you all can come up with something that has a bit more pop, a bit more excitement, a bit more, well, natural energy.

So if you have an idea for a title that captures the idea of Tesla and Renewable Energy, feel free to write it in the comments to this post. Or you can add it on my Facebook authors page. For everyone that leaves a title idea in the comments below I’ll tell you how you can download the ebook for free! If you “Like” my Facebook authors page you can also get the ebook for free when it comes out.

Watch this page in the future because I’ll also be asking for your help in choosing the final cover for the book. More on that shortly.

If the new Tesla ebook isn’t exciting enough, the second printing of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity will be in Barnes and Noble stores in July. It should also be available for order on the Barnes and Noble website (maybe even on Amazon). Or you can buy a signed and inscribed copy directly from me.

David J. Kent is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. Follow me by subscribing by email on the home page.  And feel free to “Like” my Facebook author’s page and connect on LinkedIn.  Share with your friends using the buttons below.

About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. How about ” From one bright spark too many” for the title.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, Steve. Bright spark certainly does describe Tesla and his work. 🙂

  2. I’m not sure how to “use it in a title,” but the term “Wild Energy,” or maybe “Energy in the Wild” keeps coming to mind. Mebbe, TESLA, Wild Energy Tamer, or TESLA, Visionary of Energy in the Wild (or sumthin’ like that).


    • Hmm, you have some “Wild” ideas there, Chuck. I think you may be on to something. Tesla was interested in getting power from nature. Will rattle these around in my head a bit. Thanks for all the ideas!

  3. How about: Telsa: Cosmic Traveling Genius Harnesses Cosmic Ray Energy…

    He was so beyond what any of us know, and he took so much with him..I would love to be the one who found his box of secrets and spend the rest of my days transfixed in awe and the Universe and the secrets there are revealed..

    • Thanks for the suggestion, Laura. Tesla was definitely way ahead of his time. He was thinking of things that we hadn’t progressed enough technologically at the time to put into action. It’s nice to see him starting to get some recognition lately. 🙂

  4. How about: Tesla: Energy of Nature

    • Very nice one, Lili. That is along the lines of what I was thinking. Thanks for the suggestion!

      • You’re welcome David. Actually, the idea is yours. I just agreed with it.
        I look forward to read your book.

        • Hmm, no wonder it sounded familiar. 🙂

          I’ll keep posting on progress for the release of the new book and the re-release of the first one.

  5. Seems to have worked. 🙂

  6. David, given the topic of the book and the nature of the man, I propose “Renewable Genius: Nikola Tesla and the Energy of Nature”. Keep up the good work.

  7. Pingback: It’s Tesla Time – Events for Nikola Tesla’s Birthday | Science Traveler

  8. Pingback: Tesla, Lincoln, and Beyond | Science Traveler

  9. Pingback: Leader of the Band | Hot White Snow

  10. Pingback: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time – Book Cover | Science Traveler

  11. Pingback: Nikola Tesla and Abraham Lincoln – The World’s Fair Connection | Science Traveler

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