Nikola Tesla book update – edits expected this week

Nikola TeslaNikola Tesla is in the house. Okay, maybe not quite in the house yet. Well, unless you count the AC outlets given that it was his inventions that allowed alternating current to beat out Thomas Edison’s direct current systems. But I digress.

I mentioned before that on September 10th I sent the manuscript for Nikola Tesla: Scientific Rock Star to my editor at Sterling Publishing. Since then I have been waiting for some feedback, knowing that publishers and editors are very busy people and the manuscript would take a while to review. Still, every day that passed is a week for an author waiting to find out if the manuscript he slaved over for months, often without food or sleep, would be deemed acceptable. Okay, I made up the part about going without food or sleep, but you get the idea. Nail-biting time.

Monday I heard from my editor. The bottom line is that he is “working on edits to the mss” (publisher-speak for “manuscripts,” though in retrospect I only sent him one ms). He expects to deliver the edits to me later this week. He also thanked me for sending him a few dozen photos to use in the book.

All of which I am taking as good news. After all, if he is editing it then it must mean it was at least not so bad as to immediately toss in the trash. And yes, I am choosing to put the best face on this as I can. Easier on the psyche that way. I will find out for sure when the edits arrive.

Wish me luck.

P.S. There is also news about the marketing and the book cover…and something called a “silent auction.” More on that shortly.

More information on my book “Nikola Tesla: Scientific Rock Star” can be found on my Tesla page. Don’t forget to subscribe to the posts by email on the home page.  And feel free to “Like” my Facebook author’s page and connect on LinkedIn.  Share with your friends with the buttons below.

About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. Definitely good news! Good luck!

    I was about to comment on the ‘without food or sleep’ part, then saw that you made it up. Phew!

  2. Definitely encouraging and exciting news. Good luck and I know you’ll keep up updated.

    • Thanks, Barbara. Keeping my fingers crossed. (Okay, uncrossing them while I type, and work, and well, answering the phone and all. But otherwise they are definitely crossed.)

  3. That’s great news. Hard work and talent will have had more to do with it, but…good luck!

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