New Update on Nikola Tesla Book…Plus…Upcoming Events

Nikola TeslaToday marked a milestone in the production of my forthcoming book, Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. I received a check. Receiving money in the mail is always a good thing (at least to most people) and this was no exception. After a bit of a delay due to Hurricane Sandy and a slew of holidays the publisher finally released the second half of the “advance on royalties.” My agent, Marilyn Allen of Allen O’Shea Literary Agency passed along the proceeds. As they say on the extremely dignified professional author circuit – Woo hoo!!

Chris Barsanti, editor extraordinaire at Sterling Publishing, informs me that the photos, other artwork, and layout, aka, “the design phase,” are coming together nicely. The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe have been very helpful in identifying some additional photos to grace the pages. The Tesla Science Center is the organization led by Jane Alcorn that successfully raised well over a million dollars this past summer to buy Tesla’s last remaining laboratory space – Wardenclyffe in what is now Shoreham, Long Island. All appears to be on schedule for sending the book to the printer in January.

January will also mark another milestone. I’ll be attending the Tesla Science Foundation’s annual Tesla Commemorative Conference in the New Yorker Hotel from January 5th to 7th. This past November I talked to a lot of toxicologists and chemists at the annual SETAC meeting, but this will be my first opportunity to talk to genuine Tesla experts about the book. I’m both excited and anxious.

After that I’ll start getting the book jacket blurbs and Sterling will provide the pre-order information. Meanwhile I’m working on some preliminary options for book signing locations. Since Sterling is a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble there may be a few automatic spots. I’ll also want to do some signings in my hometown of Ipswich and environs.

Anything I’m missing? Please let me know.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. That’s great news! Can’t wait to see the book!!!

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