Update on Nikola Tesla book

Nikola TeslaAfter a busy (okay, rough) week that kept me away it seems like a good time to provide an update on my book, Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. In early January I attended a Tesla Memorial Conference in New York City, which if you missed my articles you can read about by clicking on this link.

Meanwhile, the book design part of the publishing process has been moving forward at a glacial pace. My editor confirmed this week that they are “proofing the interiors,” which is publisher-speak for making sure all the pictures and layout look right on the page. They also queried about a citation I had in the footnotes but was missing from the bibliography, so I provided that source. The book should be headed to the printer soon.

I also provided a book jacket cover design for their consideration. I really like my “new perspective” tagline, which goes well with the photo taken from an interesting perspective at Niagara Falls. Ultimately, the final book jacket design is up to them. I am working on how to send advance copies to folks so I can get blurbs for the back cover. Nikola Tesla’s grand-nephew, William H. Terbo, recently asked for a copy of the book so I am anxious to get him one as soon as available.

Beyond the waiting for the book production I have been busy planning for my “world tour” (of sorts). There is no guarantee that there will be enough interest to warrant book signings but I am working on the assumption that more than a handful of friends will want a copy. I will be visiting my hometown soon for a family obligation so plan to meet with local bookshops and maybe even get an interview for the local paper.

I will provide another update as soon as the book goes to the printer and I have the pre-order information. The waiting is difficult but the idea that I will be holding the book in my hands soon is incredibly exciting.

More on Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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  1. Thanks for the update – really can’t wait to see the book!!

  2. I’ll write a blurb!

  3. Wow! A real-life author! Cool!

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