Tesla Off Broadway and Me

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityAs I write this the cast and crew and director and writer are hard at work rehearsing for a new off-Broadway play about Nikola Tesla. Appropriately called Tesla, the play was written by Sheri Graubert and is being directed by Serbian-American director, Sanja Bestic. Here is their promo photo (Click on the photo to go to their Facebook page):

Tesla Off BroadwayThe play’s lead is James Lee Taylor, an English actor and model. Six actors take the stage, three in dual roles. Tesla explores the multiple facets of Nikola Tesla’s personality, his inventions far ahead of their time, and his relationships with Thomas Edison and others. Opening night is May 23, 2013 at Theater 80 on St. Marks Place in New York City. That’s the East Village for those in the know.

I’ll have more on the play, the actors, the director, and the playwrite in future posts. The purpose of this post is to introduce the play. Oh, and to surreptitiously mention that I have been invited to give a lecture about Tesla to the cast on Saturday, April 27th. As previously mentioned I’ll be at the annual American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York this weekend, so while I’m there I’ll meet with the play’s principals. The goal is to trade insights into Tesla the man as the cast prepares to introduce Nikola Tesla to the theater-going public.

I’m very excited for this opportunity. In a way it’s reminiscent of Tesla hobnobbing with actors, writers, musicians and the like at The Players, a club started by the famous Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth. And yes, it was that Edwin Booth, older brother to the more infamous John Wilkes Booth, just one of several links between Nikola Tesla and Abraham Lincoln. But that, as they say, is a story for another time.

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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  1. How exciting! The trip to NYC would be even more productive! Have fun.

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