Tesla Off-Broadway Opens Soon – Get Your Tickets Now

In less than a fortnight the off-Broadway production of TESLA kicks off its run at Theatre 80 in New York City. I had the privilege of talking to the cast about Tesla, Edison, and other key characters two weeks ago and based on the script by Sheri Graubert and the direction by Sanja Beštić, I expect this to be a great play. Here’s the official poster for the show:

Tesla official poster

Without giving too much away, the basic premise is that of the aging scientist living out his last days in World War II-era New York, lamenting his inability to save his war-torn homeland of Yugoslavia. The old “Tesla,” played by veteran actor Jack Dimich, reminisces about his glory days as an inventive genius bringing alternating current to the masses. James Lee Taylor stars as the young “Nikola” as he works first with, then as a competitor to, Thomas Edison (played by Tom Cappadona). The interactions – and the contrasts – in personalities and work styles between Tesla and Edison is a key aspect of the play.

Other characters from Tesla’s life also make appearances, including collaborator George Westinghouse (played by Alessandro Colla), radio-rival Guglielmo Marconi and friend Mark Twain (both played by Anthony Guerino), Yugoslavian King Peter and Luka (played by Luka Mijatovic), and long-time friend Katharine Johnson (played by Samantha Slater).

I’ll have more on the play as opening night gets closer. You can follow directly on the Tesla Off Broadway Facebook page.

The timing of the play couldn’t be better. A week ago the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe signed the papers to officially purchase Tesla’s last laboratory on Long Island. My book, Tesla: Wizard of Electricity, will be available from Barnes and Noble by early July, just in time for Nikola Tesla’s July 10th birthday and the Tesla Days celebration in Philadelphia.

So no time to waste. Check out the links below to get your tickets for the play now.

EasyTheatres proudly presents TESLA written by Sheri Graubert, directed by Sanja Bestic.

US Premiere, May 24th 2013 at 8pm
@ Theatre 80, 80 Saint Marks Place, New York City.

Get your tickets today at:

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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