Energy Independence – Tesla Days Events in Philadelphia

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityBe a part of history. Join me and the Tesla Science Foundation at a 4-day “celebration of science, ideas and progress” as part of the annual Tesla Days, July 6 – 9+, 2013, in Philadelphia. In addition to a fantastic display of inventions, presentations, and music, the Tesla Science Foundation will sponsor a Million Volt March. Billed as “a global breakthrough movement dedicated to building awareness of a new energy paradigm envisioned by the world’s greatest inventor, Nikola Tesla,” this is your chance to pledge yourself to energy independence.

I’ll be there introducing my book, Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity, which will be hot off the presses. Will you join me?

As of this writing there is about one month to go before these two great events coincide – the launch of my book and the great Tesla Days events. Over the next few weeks I’ll be spotlighting both events here on these pages.

The final details are being worked out now for Tesla Days but one thing is clear – it will change the way you see energy! After the Million Volt March there will be a signing of the Declaration of Energy Independence – and with Tesla’s influence, there might even be free energy. Check here for more information on locations, events, and lodging. Note that there are still a few slots available if you can offer a talk on a Tesla-inspired film, book or visual arts project during the Monday and Tuesday of the Festival. Contact Howard Lipman at to get on the agenda.

I’ll be speaking at the Festival and will post more details here when the final dates and times are announced. And after waiting for a very long nine months I’ll also have actual physical copies of my book for sale. So come on to Philadelphia, buy a book direct from me, and I’ll even sign it to you. How about that for a deal, eh?

These are exciting times for Tesla and for me. Come back here to Science Traveler over and over during the next month because I’ll be posting tons of new information on the book, how you can get your own copy (hint – Barnes and Noble stores, front display), and speaking engagements where you can come to hear me speak. If you can’t wait until July (and it will be difficult to wait, I know), check out my talk at the Tesla Memorial Conference at the New Yorker Hotel in January (skip to about the 10:50 mark to see me literally trip up the steps to the stage).

I hope to see you in Philly, and back here often during the next few weeks for important details and offers.

More information on the release of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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