Reviews are in for Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity

Tesla: The Wizard of ElectricityTesla: The Wizard of Electricity is finally in Barnes and Noble stores this week (I saw actual books on the shelves!). Books are also being shipped out to those who ordered through or directly from me (for signed copies). And now reviews of the book are beginning to be posted.

A few highlights taken from reviews at Goodreads:

From Chuck Larlham (Author of The Old Man and Me: Extraordinary Stories of an Ordinary Childhood Post WWII, a memoir to be released September 19th under the name R.C. Larlham):

“I enjoyed this biography of Nikola Tesla immensely.”

“In this book, David Kent takes an easy reading style of writing to the mysteries that were Nikola Tesla, making for a truly fascinating read. In the process he humanizes the man who many of his own day, and in his own profession, dismissed as beyond eccentric, but a man who was also capable of astoundingly original inventive genius.”

“I enjoyed the book no end, and I really had no interest in Tesla until I read it. But I found it (and him) fascinating.” (via private message)

From Esa Ruoho (

“Oodles and oodles of images. Quite a decent compilation / reorganisational effort by the author…”

“Beautiful and attractive design, quick to read, good biography to start with…Nice selection of quotes from Tesla’s articles, footnotes-galore…”

“Some of the chapters detailing Tesla as a pop-culture phenomenon were quite informative, and it is good to see that the cult of Tesla (the conspiracy theories, Tesla as a venusian ET alien) were discussed head-on and without flinching.”

From Ru Sun, PhD, Statistician

“A great book!”

“This book does a wonderful job of introducing this eccentric genius to the general public – his upbringing and talents, his ideas and inventions, his unique and weird personality, his life from start to finish.”

“I can say without hesitation that Nikola Tesla, brought alive by this book, will inspire followers from all over the world for many years to come.”

Look back at other snippets from reviews. So far the reviews have been very positive. If you’ve read the book, please take a few minutes to write your thoughts at, Goodreads, and anywhere else you post book reviews.

Feel free to spread the word. Thank you all for your support and happy reading!

Order Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity now, exclusively at, and either as hardcover or Nook ebook.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. David, my book arrived in yesterday’s mail and despite a full schedule I got through about 40 pages in short order and was absolutely blown away by the layout in that fabulous antique print-form motif. Of course the text is a smooth flow that elicits admiration for the one and only Tesla, but in my view the product is a great picture in a perfect frame. I can hardly wait to finish it! Thanks so much for this outstanding piece of work. Once I’ve read the last word I intend to write a review for posting to an appropriate site.

    • Wonderful! I glad you’ve liked it so far. It was a lot of fun to write and the publishers did a great job really bringing out the graphics and layout. Perfect for getting the story of Nikola Tesla out to the people. Thanks so much for the note.

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