Update on Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and David J. KentA short update on Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. In a word, woo hoo! (Hmm, that might be two words, but you get the picture.)

Because of the great support by all of you, sales of the book have been brisk. After an amazing first week in Barnes and Noble stores we were happy to see that the second week sold nearly double that amount. Add in online sales, ebooks, and the signed books people have ordered directly from me and everyone is feeling pretty good right now.

The book has done so well that the publisher is contemplating the idea of ordering a second printing. The fact that they are even thinking about another printing after only two weeks in the stores is a great sign. Especially since the first printing was a bigger order than most non-fiction books get these days.

Meanwhile, reviews are slowly being added to Goodreads and the Barnes and Noble website. If you’ve read the book, or plan to, please help others decide by writing a short review and giving it a (hopefully 5 star) rating. If you’re not the review-writer type, no problem, you can still rate it without a review. So far the reviews have been very positive.

Other things going on? Well, I’ll have the cover story in WIRE magazine coming out shortly, will have a prominent spot in the next issue of Tesla magazine, and Thursday there should be a profile article in my hometown newspaper. This weekend I will also be doing a book signing in an exclusive invitation-only event in northern Virginia. Busy days, these.

While they last you can buy the book at your local Barnes and Noble store. Or order Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity on BarnesandNoble.com, and either as hardcover or Nook ebook. And if you want a signed copy you can order it directly from me.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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  1. Great news! My copy might worth a fortune someday! I won’t sell it for anything though. 😀

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