Update on Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (A Great Christmas Gift)

Tesla: The Wizard of ElectricityAs we approach the holiday season it’s a good time to give a few updates on Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and related events.

First of all, the book continues to sell well in Barnes and Noble stores. That’s both good and bad. The good part is obvious – sales! The bad part is that some Barnes and Noble stores are reaching the end of their stocks. And since we emptied out the warehouse a long time ago to fill the now emptying stores that means it’s getting harder to find the book.

So how do you get a copy? Here’s how:

1) Most stores still have copies. So run on down to your local B&N and grab them while they last.

2) Go to BarnesandNoble.com (or BN.com). You will likely see something like:

Available in stores.Pick Up In Store Near You

Entering your zip code will give you a list of B&N stores near you and whether they have any in stock.

3) Download the ebook. There is no shortage of ebooks that can be downloaded on the BarnesandNoble.com website and read on your Nook or your Nook app for iPhone or Droid phones. Talk about immediate gratification. And for half the hard cover price.

4) Check out Amazon.com. Yes, my publisher has an exclusive arrangement with Barnes and Noble, but anyone can list third party books for resale on Amazon. Last I checked there were two resellers on Amazon from whom you could buy copies.

5) Buy one direct from me. I have brand new first edition copies of the book all ready to ship. Better yet, I will personally sign and inscribe the book to you or to whomever you would like to give it to as a gift.

Which gets us to Christmas (or Kwanzaa or Hanukkah or Halloween or Thanksgiving). Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity makes a great gift!

Other Tesla-related updates:

Serbian President unveils Nikola Tesla monument at Wardenclyffe. Check out the story here and watch the video of the event that was livestreamed.

Donations of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity continue: I’ve received much positive feedback from friends, family, and total strangers saying that they have bought an extra copy of the book expressly to donate it to their local school or public library. This has been especially gratifying because it means they want to keep their copy but enjoyed it so much they want others to experience it as well.

Donating to SETAC: I’ve already donated a copy of the book to the “Silent Auction” at the next Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (of which I am the President of my regional chapter). Proceeds from the auction go to help student members of the Society.

The resurrection of Wardenclyffe continues: Since the purchase of Nikola Tesla’s last laboratory at Wardenclyffe this spring, volunteers have been hard at work cleaning up the grounds. Soon the work will start on the inside of the building to transform it into a museum and science center. Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe.

Second Printing! While it hasn’t been officially confirmed, it looks like the publisher will order a second printing of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity for release next spring. If or when that happens I’ll be sure to let you know. Until then, you can buy signed copies of the book immediately from me. Remember, Christmas will be here soon. 🙂

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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