Exciting News about Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity

Tesla: The Wizard of ElectricityI’ve been incredibly thankful to everyone who has helped make Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity a success. And now there are even more thanks deserved. Yesterday my editor at Sterling Publishing informed me that they will issue a second printing of the book. My literary agent, Marilyn Allen, probably captured the moment the best, and most succinctly, when she responded with: “AWESOME.”

Sales have been outstanding in the four months since it was released – over 9,000 of the 10,000 books printed have flown off the shelves! That in itself is exciting because the initial print run was larger than normal for non-fiction books (especially non-fiction books about obscure, long-dead, scientists). And while the books were initially featured prominently in Barnes and Noble stores at an incredibly affordable price, they have become harder to find as the warehouse emptied out and individual stores sold out their stock. Books also weren’t available directly on Amazon.com, which is, after all, where many people buy most of their books these days. Still, sales continue to be consistently strong, and on top of the hard copy sales there have also been substantial sales of the e-book on barnesandnoble.com.

David J. Kent

Even more exciting is that the publisher is so confident the books will continue to sell well, they’ve scheduled the second printing to be double the size of the initial, that is, 20,000 books. As a book that backlists well (i.e., doesn’t get outdated), Sterling expects the book to sell for many years to come. Who knows, maybe we’ll get a third printing (and fourth? and fifth?).

And if all of that wasn’t enough, the publisher is planning to release the book in July 2014, just in time for Nikola Tesla’s birthday. Sterling plans a “back-to-school” promotion, which is undefined at the moment but would likely include some book signings and other events. I’ll keep you posted.

Thank you all for supporting me and the book so wholeheartedly. It’s because of you that Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity has been so successful. The hunger of the public for information about Nikola Tesla has been very gratifying. As can be seen by the topics of my posts on this website, there currently is an incredible amount of activity and interest about Tesla. As Tesla himself once said:

“The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”

It seems the future has arrived.

Which leads to some additional news. I’ve been approached by the director of the Ipswich Museum in my home town. They would like me to schedule a brown-bag lunch presentation at the museum sometime in 2014. I’m also working on a new Tesla book focused on his interest in what today we call “renewable energy.” I’ll have more details on both of these in later posts, as well as information on how to subscribe to a newsletter I expect to begin producing early in the new year.

Exciting times, these!

David J. Kent is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. You can order a signed copy directly from me, download the ebook at barnesandnoble.com, and find hard copies exclusively at Barnes and Noble bookstores.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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  1. Really great news Dave! You go- live the dream….

  2. How exciting! Congratulations!!!

  3. Fantastic news David. So happy for you and your well deserved success!

  4. Pingback: Science Traveler

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