Book Review – Tesla’s Signal by L. Woodswalker

Tesla's SignalAs a writer it’s always interesting to read other people’s writing, especially when they are people I know. Of course, interesting could mean either good or bad depending on the quality of the writing, but it seems I’ve been lucky because the books I’ve read by friends and acquaintances have been wonderful. That includes works by Thomas Waite, R.C. (Chuck) Larlham, Sam Hawksworth, and the many Abraham Lincoln scholars I’ve met.

The most recent is L. Woodswalker, author of Tesla’s Signal. I first met Laura at a Tesla Memorial Conference at the New Yorker Hotel and then at subsequent Tesla events, including this one at the Chester County Library (Laura is in the second photo, another Tesla author Howard Lipman is in the third photo). I was presenting my book, Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (now with 50,000 in print) and Laura mentioned that she was working on a science fiction novel based on Tesla’s life. That book came out this past month and I had the privilege of being one of the first to read it. Here’s my review as posted on Goodreads and Amazon:

Marvelous science fiction. L. Woodswalker authors a cleverly written exploration of alien invasion that masterly weaves real history with fantasy and surreality in a series of intricately woven story lines. Those who are familiar with Nikola Tesla will recognize the deft intertwining of Tesla’s real inventions, quirks, and personality traits with extrapolations to what they have become in the minds of many a Tesla aficionado. Those unfamiliar with Tesla will still find themselves rabidly engaged in the requisite alien races, the fight between good and evil, and some surprising romantic tension spliced into exciting action. All together here are the makings of a great SF novel. Well done!

I should note that I’ve been a scientist for my entire life and grew up as an avid science fiction and science fantasy fan. The focus of my own published writing means I read a lot more non-fiction these days, but I was happily surprised at how much I liked this book. The writing is tight and the blending of Tesla’s reality and fantasy is exceptional.

If you like Tesla, this will be a fun read. If you like alien beings, this will be a fun read. And even if you’ve never heard of Tesla and never met an alien being, it will still be a fun read. Find it on

Meanwhile, I managed to meet my writing goal for my forthcoming book on Thomas Edison, so I’m comfortable taking some time off to go science traveling. More on that in my next post.

David J. Kent has been a scientist for over thirty years, is an avid science traveler, and an independent Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and the e-book Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time. He is currently writing a book on Thomas Edison.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. David, thank you so much for your wonderful write-up! It was my aim to write a book that would educate those who aren’t familiar with Tesla–while telling an entertaining story. Your recognition has made it all worthwhile!
    Hope to see you at an event sometime, and as for your Edison book…some people have a negative view of Edison, but I’m sure your new book will be just as well written and beautiful as your Tesla book. I can put the 2 books next to each other on my bookshelf and have them scowl at each other… 🙂
    Thanks again,
    Laura Woodswalker

    • My pleasure. I really enjoyed the book! Hope you consider writing more. As for Edison, I’m presenting him as he was, which like most people, includes both good and bad. Previous Edison biographers ignored Tesla almost completely (basically, one line mentioning him, if at all), but mine will have Tesla’s role recognized more appropriately.

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