
NOTE: To schedule appearances, email to davidjkent DOT writer AT gmail DOT com

Upcoming appearances:

March 22, 2025: Abraham Lincoln Institute Symposium, Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC [More Details Here]

April 25-27, 2025: Attendance at 1st Annual Lincoln Mini-Forum at Hildene, Manchester, VT [More Info Here]

April 25, 2026: Presentation on Unable to Escape This Toil at 2nd Annual Lincoln Mini-Forum at Hildene, Manchester, VT [Tentative]

Selected recent appearances:

March 13, 2025: Moderator of White House Historical Association History Happy Hour Featuring Michael Vorenberg on Lincoln’s Peace [Watch the Video Here]

December 6, 2024: The Election of 1864: Was the Election Stolen? Presentation for the Tucson CWRT [Watch the Related Video Here]

November 9, 2024 (3rd of 3 sessions): LGDC’s book study forum reads and discusses Lincoln: The Fire of Genius. Virtual. [More Info] [Read more here]

October 29, 2024: The Election of 1864: Was the Election Stolen? Presentation and discussion for LGDC [Watch Video Here]

Election of 1864, Stolen?

October 15, 2024: “Lincoln and the Election of 1864,” presentation and led discussion for Lincoln Group of DC [Watch Video Here]

The Election of 1864

September 7, 2024: Lincoln: The Fire of Genius presentation to the Henry Clay Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). [Watch the Video]

DAR 9-7-24

June 6, 2024: White House Historical Association History Happy Hour on Lincoln: The Fire of Genius [Watch the Video Here]

WHHA History Happy Hour

May 21, 2024: Hosted Nancy Bradeen Spannaus “Lincoln and Jefferson and Hamilton and Defeating Slavery,” Lincoln Group of DC, Zoom Only [Watch the Video]

May 15, 2024: “Lincoln’s Influence on Science & Technology in the Civil War” presentation, York (PA) Civil War Round Table [Watch the Video]

York CWRT Screenshot

April 16, 2024: Hosted Christopher Oakley for the Lincoln Group of DC monthly meeting. Virtual. [Video Here]

March 14, 2024: Moderator of White House Historical Association History Happy Hour Featuring Carl Adams [Watch the Video Here]

February 21, 2024: Co-hosted Harold Holzer for the joint LGDC/CWRTDC Lincoln Birthday Banquet, Fort Myer [C-SPAN Video Here]

February 12, 2024: Presentation of the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Birthday wreath laying.

David J. Kent giving Gettysburg Address at Lincoln Memorial 2-12-24

January 16, 2024: Hosting Andrew Lang for the Lincoln Group of DC monthly meeting. Virtual. [Watch Video]

December 5, 2023: Hosted and moderated the LGDC luncheon featuring Terry Alford

November 16-19, 2023: The Lincoln Forum conference, Gettysburg, PA

October 17, 2023: Moderated the LGDC program parsing the Gettysburg Address [Watch Video]

Quoted in article by Matt Rozsa in Salon magazine:

April 15, 2023: Keynote presentation at the annual banquet of the Lincoln Society of Peekskill, Peekskill, NY [Details here]

March 25, 2023: Presentation at the ALI Symposium, Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC. [Watch the Video]

Abraham Lincoln Institute

February 22, 2023: Attendance at A Walk to Respect, a conversation between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

February 12, 2023: Lincoln’s Birthday Wreath Laying, Lincoln Memorial

February 11, 2023: Keynote speaker, Lincoln’s Birthday Banquet, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States (MOLLUS), Alexandria, VA


February 8, 2023: Joint LGDC/CWRTDC dinner lecture by Jon Meacham, Washington, DC [Recording Coming Soon]

February 3, 2023: Virtual talk on Lincoln: The Fire of Genius for students, faculty, staff, community of Lone Star College-Kingwood [Watch here]

Lone Star College Kingwood video 2-3-23

January 13, 2023: My Interview for a nationally syndicated radio program called Our American Stories premiers. [Listen to the Podcast] [Read a transcript]

Our American Stories

January 12, 2023: Interview with President Lincoln’s Cottage as part of their Scholar Sessions, Virtual [Watch the Video Here]

January 11, 2023: Looking for Lincoln Conversations, “How Lincoln Institutionalized Science and Technology in the Federal Government,” Virtual, 7 pm CT (8 pm ET) [[Watch the Video Here]

Looking for Lincoln Conversation

December 27, 2022: Premier of my Interview on the Pat Williams radio show, Orlando, FL  [Pat is the co-founder of the NBA’s Orlando Magic]

December 20, 2022: Interview for The Lincoln Log Podcast of the Abraham Lincoln Association [Watch Video Here!] [Listen to Podcast Here!]

November 19, 2022: My book launch lecture from Sept 13th premiered. [Watch the video on C-SPAN here]

November 17, 2022: Accepted the Wendy Allen Award for the Lincoln Group of DC at the Lincoln Forum [Read about it here]

Wendy Allen Award 2022

November 16-19, 2022: Presentation, Breakout session, Book signing, Lincoln Forum, Gettysburg, PA [See the schedule]

October 26, 2022: “The Art and Science of Abraham Lincoln,” Arts Club of Washington, Washington, DC

Arts Club of Washington

October 13, 2022: “Lincoln, Science, Technology, and the Civil War,” Civil War Round Table of DC, Fort Myer, Arlington, VA [Audio available soon here and Video Here]


September 17, 2022: “Lincoln, Mathew Brady, and Photographic Technology,” Dedication event at Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC

Congressional Cemetery

September 16, 2022: “Lincoln, Science, and Technology in the Civil War,” lecture at the Cosmos Club, Washington, DC


September 13, 2022: The Fire of Genius Book Launch Party with the Lincoln Group of DC, Maggiano’s Restaurant, Washington, DC [SEE ON C-SPAN2 AT 9:30 AM, NOV. 19TH, THEN ON VIDEO THEREAFTER]

Fire of Genius Maggiano's

September 3, 2022: The Fire of Genius lecture for the Rock Creek Civil War Round Table, Washington, DC (Online)

September 1, 2022: Release Day Interview by Daniel Weinberg of the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop on A House Divided broadcast! [Check out the video]

August 19, 2022: Interview with Andy Lucien of the Civil War Center Podcast [Listen to the Podcast here]

May 22, 2022: Lincoln Memorial Centennial on the Memorial steps. [David J. Kent, Organizer and Master of Ceremonies] [Watch the Video on C-SPAN]

David J Kent Lincoln Memorial centennial


April 13, 2022: “The Role of President Abraham Lincoln in the DC Emancipation Act of 1862,” Presentation, DC Emancipation Day Program

DC Emancipation Day

March 8, 2022: “Lincoln and the Fight for Peace” with John Avlon [David J. Kent, Moderator]

February 8, 2022: Burlingame and Guelzo highlight the Joint LGDC/CWRTDC meeting [Moderation] [Watch this extraordinary event here]















February 12, 2022: Lincoln’s Birthday Wreath Laying at the Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial wreaths

February 12, 2022: American Film Institute showing of the Lincoln Cycle, Part 1 [Details here]

February 21, 2022: American Film Institute showing of the Lincoln Cycle, Part 2 [Details here]

David Kent at AFI Lincoln Cycle 2-21-22_Rod Ross photo

January 27, 2022: “Lincoln’s Legacy” by John O’Brien [Introduction] [Watch on YouTube here]

January 20, 2022: “Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief” by David J. Kent [Watch on YouTube here] [See replay here] Access Passcode: nf=#NV1k

January 18, 2022: “Archer Alexander: The Monument’s Unknown Hero” by Dorris Keeven-Franke [Introduction] [See the replay here] Access Passcode: D&3+wx8e

January 13, 2022: “Lincoln as Politician” by David J. Kent [Watch on YouTube here] [See the replay here] Access Passcode: Uw%z44bF

January 6, 2022: “Lincoln’s Youth” by Ed Steers [Introduction] [Watch on YouTube here] [See the replay here] Access Passcode: vf$11H.n

December 7, 2021: Lincoln Group: “The Great Debate” [Watch on YouTube here]

November 14-19, 2021: Lincoln Forum in Gettysburg, PA [In-Person]

October 22, 2021: Abraham Lincoln Institute Board Meeting [Zoom]

ALI Board call 10-22-21

October 19, 2021: “Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief” presentation for Encore Learning (Session 3 of a 4-session course) [Zoom]

Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief

October 12, 2021: “Lincoln as Politician” presentation for Encore Learning (Session 2 of a 4-session course) [Zoom]

October 1, 2021: Chasing Abraham Lincoln in Harpers Ferry, WV

Harpers Ferry

September 25, 2021: Lincoln Group of DC annual tour and picnic.

Lincoln Group Tour 2021

May 18, 2021: Became President of the Lincoln Group of DC

April 13, 2021: Panel member on “The Case for Honoring Lincoln” for the Illinois State Society. [Zoom] Watch the recorded event here.

ILSS Panel


January 15, 2021: Chaired a panel on “Teaching Lincoln.” Other panelists were from the Library of Congress, Lincoln Cottage, and Ford’s Theatre. Cosmos Club Civil War Round Table, Washington, D.C. [Zoom]

Teaching Lincoln Cosmos Club 1-15-21

September 18, 2020: Invited to “Dialogue on Civil War Statues” with journalist Barry Wood, Moderated by Rod Ross. Cosmos Club, Washington DC. [Zoom]

Cosmos Club Statues Dialogue 9-18-20

September 5, 2020: Invited speaker at Rock Creek Civil War Round Table. “Abraham Lincoln’s Long Road to Emancipation.” [MS Team]

Rock Creek CWRT

June 26, 2020: “What Would Lincoln Do.” Interview and 1.5-hour conversation with filmmaker Annabel Park on The Talk on Main St. [Watch it here]

June 4, 2020: “Lincoln and Viruses: The Past and Present Collide.” Invited speaker at the Library Company of Philadelphia, June 4, 2020. [Watch it here]

April 5, 2020: Featured hour interview on The Railsplitter: The Abraham Lincoln Podcast, Episode #122. Interview of me on my blog post “That Time Lincoln Got a Virus and Almost Died,” published on my website 3/25/20. Interview took place on April 3, 2020 with all three hosts. Went live on the podcast website on 4/5/20. [Podcasts archived at]


[Note the photos and info below are being retired. See above for current appearance schedule. Watch for updates and new photos. Media information also on the way.]

Check out these photos sent to me by fans (if you send me yours, I’ll post it here too!). There are also photos of historic meetings:

HRH Prince Alexander of Serbia

Meeting HRH Prince Alexander of Serbia

HRH Princess Katherine of Serbia

And HRH Princess Katherine of Serbia

Dr. Branimir Jovanovic, Tesla Museum, Belgrade

Plus, Dr. Branimir Jovanovic, Tesla Museum, Belgrade

Tesla and Sagan

Posted by Bridget R. Gaudette on “March for Science” Facebook page, 2/9/17

Two books in one - from Josh Amaya 10-10-16 FB

Two books in one – from Josh Amaya 10-10-16 FB

Melissa Nolledo, Photographer Extraordinaire

Melissa Nolledo, Photographer Extraordinaire

Nikola Lonchar, President, Tesla Science Foundation

Nikola Lonchar, President, Tesla Science Foundation

Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Ljubo Vujovic, President, Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Dr. Pablo Vigliano, Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Bariloche

Dr. Pablo Vigliano, Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Bariloche

Kids like it too…

Kyle Driebeek donating a book to his school library

Kyle Driebeek donating a book to his school library

Some day I'll be as tall as Tesla

Some day I’ll be as tall as Tesla

Being interviewed… Tesla Magazine...

…by Tesla Magazine…

...and Tesla TV

…and Tesla TV

More testimonials and cool stuff!

“Beautiful book, great storytelling.” – Lisa Gensheimer, Goodreads (5 stars)

Kent in a Bottle

Exton, PA

David J. Kent - Tesla Days 2013

New Yorker Hotel, NYC



“I got my book, not what I expected, can’t believe the graphics and print, read most every book there is on Tesla, you gave it Life!!”

– Jim Nelson, Facebook, 7/18/13




“Clear, accessible writing and beautiful photographs and ephemera make this book a fun and easy read.”

– Alyb, Goodreads


I have never read such a beautiful book! Loved it!”

– Cindi Taylor Nelson, Facebook


“There are several biographies about Nicola Tesla however this one by David Kent is more informative, easy to understand, fun! and just a damn good book. I read the entire book in a 24 hour period, I could not put it down and that does not happen very often. If you want to understand why you enjoy all the comforts of electricity than get a copy of this book you will not be disappointed. Kent is just one of those people who knows how to tell a story.”  – Alexander Stevens, Facebook

In addition, Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity has received high praise from:

– Nikola Lonchar (President, Tesla Science Foundation)
– Jane Alcorn (President, Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe)
– William Terbo (Grand-nephew and closest living relative of Nikola Tesla)
– Nenad Stankovic (Publisher of Tesla Magazine)
and many more!

“Ipswich author tells an electrifying story”Ipswich Chronicle newspaper feature

Betsy Grim Book Club

Presentation at Betsy Grim Book Club

Meeting the cast of the off-Broadway play, TESLA (written by Sheri Graubert; directed by Sanja Bestic; starring James Lee Taylor, Jack Dimich, and a wonderful cast)

TESLA cast

David Kent-James Lee Taylor-Ru Sun









Signing books 1-11-14

Signing books at the Tesla Memorial Conference