Science Traveler Shows Increasing Trend in Viewership

David J. KentScience Traveler is only months old but the recent trend in viewership has been very encouraging. The original website was started in February 2012 and the views during the first few months reflected the efforts of friends and family to make me feel wanted. In August 2012 I changed the name of the blog to Science Traveler to better reflect my emphasis on both science and traveling. [And some ideas for the future that I’ll keep under my proverbial top hat for now.]

The last few months have shown tremendous progress in gaining an audience, or as they say in the publishing biz, a platform. We’re not talking J.K. Rowling or or E.L. James type numbers here for sure, but given that I started from scratch I’m comfortable with where I am right now. As you can see, my monthly views are going in the right direction.

And since the total number of views is influenced by the number of days in the month, the following shows the average daily views for each month. Very encouraging for such a short period of time.

The key to keeping this trend is to continue to gain more readers and understand why the ones I have came here in the first place. It should come as no surprise that my forthcoming Nikola Tesla book has been a draw and I am continuing to become more and more fascinated by the man and the people who work hard to bring his genius to the public. I anticipate that my book will help raise Tesla’s Q-score.

And then there is Abraham Lincoln. I’m working on the book proposal now.

And the travel. I’m traveling out to California to attend the SETAC meeting (and will be bringing Tesla with me), then cruising the Caribbean in December. My Science Traveler site will be getting more travel science as it develops.

And aquariums.

See a trend?

The plan is to redesign the site to provide a better experience for visitors, including a new landing page, links to information about my books and other writing, and make it easier to follow the topic people find most interesting. I’ll even be offering some freebies! So stay tuned.

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