Catching Up with Reality…What a Concept

Reality…What a Concept. That was the name of a comedy album by the great Robin Williams. In some of my odder moments the phrase would pop into my head and, somehow, in ways that are better not examined too closely, everything made sense. Reality had a way of making the first week of February – indeed, the first month of 2015 – spin by so fast that the world got a little dizzying.

Hemingway's typewriterSo what has life been up to lately? Here on Science Traveler I did some science traveling into the lands of sea grass, alligators and iconic writers. I found out that Hemingway was a crazy cat lady (I kid you not). I also got to check out the cells that the four Lincoln conspirators hung out in (the four that weren’t hanged). And while my family and friends back home were dealing with sub-freezing temperatures, I was ogling Brazilian bikinis on South Beach (more on that later).

Tesla bobbleheadScience Traveler also delved into the science of Lincoln’s interest in, well, science. In particular his use of Euclid geometry in speeches and writings. And we looked at the science of Nikola Tesla the Pop Icon.

The Book JugglerHot White Snow reminisced about The Navy Man and the Poet, an homage to a known stranger and an unknown friend. And then there is The Juggler, which sounds like a good name for the next Batman villain but is actually an allegory for the frenetic pace of life at the moment.

peerreviewThe Dake Page took on two serious topics to help communicate science to the public. In this Age of Climate Denial: How Do You Tell a Reliable Blog from an Unreliable Blog? examines what makes a particular blog a good – or a bad – source of science. That is followed by Part 1 of a primer on How Peer Review Works…and Doesn’t Work. These two posts should help the public find accurate information on scientific topics, in particular, man-made climate change.

All of this is just the beginning. New science traveling plans are being negotiated. New books are in the works. And Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (and assassination 56 years later) are ready to take stage in a very big way over the next month and two and three. Oh, and the Patriots won the Super Bowl. Reality is indeed a concept.

Big announcement coming Monday, so be sure to check back!

David J. Kent has been a scientist for over thirty years, is an avid traveler, and an independent Lincoln researcher. He is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and the e-book Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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