Science Traveling – 2016 in Preview

I’m going to Machu Picchu in 2016. Of course, I said I was going to Machu Picchu in 2015 and had to punt on it to this year. But this year I’m really going. I hope. Like last year, my plans could easily change, but here is what I’m planning for 2016.

Wind SurfThe only trip actually booked so far is a sailing cruise of the Caribbean in late January/early February. We’ll meet four Saints (Maarten, Kitts, Barthelemy, and Lucia), plus Barbuda, Guadaloupe, and Dominica. All while sailing point to point on a 535-foot sailboat.

Beyond that we’re looking at two other overseas trips – one to the aforementioned Machu Picchu in May, the other to China (and hopefully one other country) in October. If it all works out I’ll get to add at least six new countries to my visited list (last year I added only 3, though I was in 6 outside the U.S.).

I’ll also have my annual trip to New England to visit my parents, plus perhaps a second trip for my high school reunion. I’ve never attended a reunion before but this year I just might. It’s not until August so we’ll see when it gets closer.

Lincoln TombSpringfield, Illinois may see me twice this year. I have a scheduled trip there in September with the Lincoln Group of DC, in which we’ll pursue Lincoln’s memory through New Salem, Springfield, and points surrounding. I’m also anticipating a purely research trip, probably in March, to visit with the staffs of the Papers of Abraham Lincoln and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. Lincoln is also the focus of a November trip to Gettysburg.

Closer to home, I will likely have a book launch party in August to celebrate the release of my newest book Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World.

Those are the more-or-less planned trips. Others may include Orlando for the SETAC meeting in November, Charlottesville for the CPRC meeting in April, Mt. Rushmore (still trying to squeeze this in at some point), and Newport News, VA (home of the Monitor ironclad).

I’ll be writing many science traveling articles during 2016 so check back regularly.

David J. Kent has been a scientist for thirty-five years, is an avid science traveler, and an independent Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (now in its 5th printing) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate. His book on Thomas Edison is due in Barnes and Noble stores in spring 2016.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. Wow, I’m so psyched you’re going to Peru! My friend & I have been wanting to do that for the last few decades! Are you going with a tour group, and if so, which one?

  2. I am impressed (and not just a little envious!) – I haven’t been able to think past March yet.

    • So many places still to see, and I got a late start with traveling. The only one booked is the first one so these could change dramatically (like they did last year). 🙂

  3. The cruise sounds fascinating. Excepting ferry passages, I’ve never traveled by ship. Very interested in hearing about it, as well St. Lucia.

    • I took my parents on one of those big ocean liners a few years ago. It was nice, especially the stops. This one is much smaller and more like a sailboat, and every day we’re on a new island, none of which I’ve ever been to before.

      Will definitely post about it when I get back.

      • The small ship interests me. We’ve considered an Alaskan/Canadian inside passage trip by smaller ship. Seems like a far more intimate travel experience.

        • That’s what I’m hoping for too. The big ship was like a floating hotel. This one should give some benefits of sailing while still having some space. Plus it goes to a bunch of islands that I’m anxious to check out. The company is called Windstar Cruises if you want to check it out.

  4. Pingback: The Year in Science Traveling – 2016 | Science Traveler

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