Join Me and Michael Vorenberg for the White House Historical Association History Happy Hour, March 13, 2025

Lincoln's Peace, Michael VorenbergJoin me and author Michael Vorenberg on Thursday, March 13, 2025, for the White House Historical Association’s History Happy Hour. The program is free and begins at 6 pm ETRegister Here to receive the Zoom link.

The White House Historical Association (WHHA) is “a private, nonprofit, educational organization with a mission to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the Executive Mansion.” One of their many initiatives is History Happy Hour, which enables experts to present topics related to the White House and the presidency. True to its name, the Happy Hour begins with a cocktail created by James coming to us from the Publick House in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

Last year I presented a program for the History Happy Hour on my book, Lincoln: The Fire of Genius, focusing on how Lincoln helped institutionalize science and technology in the federal government [Click the link to watch the video]. This time I will be moderating the program, which features a presentation by Brown University history professor Michael Vorenberg. He’ll be discussing his newest book, Lincoln’s Peace: The Struggle to End the American Civil War. Then I will moderate and lead the Q&A with Michael for the rest of the program.

Again, the program is free, but you’ll need to Register Here to get the Zoom link.

The title of the book, and the cover, is based on “The Peacemakers,” an 1868 painting by George P.A. Healy, which has been an important part of the White House Collection since 1947. The piece depicts President Abraham Lincoln and his top military commanders, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, and Rear Adm. David D. Porter, seated in the after cabin of the Union steamer River Queen less than a week before the fall of Petersburg, Virginia to plan the end of the Civil War and the nature of the peace terms to follow on March 27, 1865. Two weeks later, Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox.

Although Healy’s painting tells a story of a glorious, peaceful end to the war, through artistic choices, such as the rainbow glowing just beyond Lincoln’s tilted head, Michael Vorenberg’s new book, “Lincoln’s Peace: The Struggle to End the American Civil War,” which bears this image on its cover, reveals an alternative narrative. Within its pages, he details an end filled with chaos and strife rather than one pioneered by peace.

So, how and when did the Civil War? Tune in on Thursday, March 13, 2025, to find out!

[Photo compliments of Michael Vorenberg]

Fire of Genius

Coming in February 2026: Unable to Escape This Toil

Available now – Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America is available at booksellers nationwide.

Limited signed copies are available via this website. The book also listed on Goodreads, the database where I keep track of my reading. Click on the “Want to Read” button to put it on your reading list. Please leave a review on Goodreads and Amazon if you like the book.

You also follow my author page on Facebook.

David J. Kent is President of the Lincoln Group of DC and the author of Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America and Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America.

His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Annual Abraham Lincoln Institute Set for March 22 at Ford’s Theatre – All Invited (and it’s Free)

ALI Promo from Ford's TheatreThe Annual Abraham Lincoln Institute (ALI) Symposium is set for March 22, 2025, at historic Ford’s Theatre in downtown Washington, DC. The full day program starts at 9 am and runs to 5 pm.

All tickets are free but please register in advance on the Ford’s Theater website:

ALI has been organizing this annual symposium for many years, first at the National Archives and now at Ford’s Theatre. ALI provides free, ongoing education on the life, career, and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., ALI offers resources for educators, governmental and community leaders, and the general public through symposia, seminars, lectures, and special events.

Ford’s Theatre is both a working theater and a national historic site. The box where Lincoln was assassinated is maintained in the condition that it was that night, and Lincoln scholars and the general public alike make pilgrimages to the site. There is also a museum on the lower floor. Standing on the stage gives somewhat of an existential feeling, as if you are transported back in time to that fateful night. For nearly a decade, Ford’s has also generously provided the theater space to the Abraham Lincoln Institute for its annual symposium. I was honored to have been one of the five speakers for the 2023 symposium, during which I presented about my book, Lincoln: The Fire of Genius, and in particular, how Lincoln helped modernize America. This year, 2025, I will again be on stage, this time to introduce one of the speakers.

In 2025, there is another stellar group of scholars to discuss various aspects of Lincoln’s life, the times, and the tensions.

2025 Symposium Speakers

Hilary Green
Unforgettable Sacrifice: How Black Communities Remembered the Civil War

Manisha Sinha
The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, 1860-1920

Jon Grinspan
Wide Awake: The Forgotten Force that Elected Lincoln and Spurred the Civil War

Harold Holzer
Brought Forth on This Continent: Abraham Lincoln and American Immigration

Michael Vorenberg
Lincoln’s Peace: The Struggle to End the Civil War

After the final speaker, there will be a panel of all the speakers moderated by one of ALI’s prominent members.

For more information about ALI, check out their website at

To register and reserve your free admission, go to the Ford’s Theatre website at:

[Photo compliments of Ford’s Theatre]

Fire of Genius

Coming in February 2026: Unable to Escape This Toil

Available now – Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America is available at booksellers nationwide.

Limited signed copies are available via this website. The book also listed on Goodreads, the database where I keep track of my reading. Click on the “Want to Read” button to put it on your reading list. Please leave a review on Goodreads and Amazon if you like the book.

You also follow my author page on Facebook.

David J. Kent is President of the Lincoln Group of DC and the author of Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America and Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America.

His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.