David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad

Happy Father’s Day. To all fathers, everywhere. Thanks for putting up with your children, including me. While I didn’t know it then, I see it now. It couldn’t have been easy. 🙂

Father and son

I’m especially grateful for this opportunity to wish my Dad a happy father’s day. Earlier this year, after falling and breaking some ribs, the doctors discovered an aneurysm. A big one. An unbearably long period of testing and discussion finally led to a full open-chest surgery. The surgery went well, but the coming out of anesthesia was more exciting than anyone had anticipated. A very long seizure event, the result of several small strokes, left my Dad in a coma for the next four days. Finally awake, barely, we went through several more days of delirium and hallucinations but no movement on the right side.

Mom and Dad chasing alligators in Belize

Nothing like a relaxing day of alligator chasing by speedboat in Belize when you’re 80+ years old

I should stop here and let you know that Dad is now recovering. Slowly, for sure, but from where we began, his recovery is nothing short of astounding. By the way, Dad will celebrate his 86th birthday in just a few weeks. He has some rerouted plumbing, a few artificial stents holding the aortic arch together, and chest scars that would have inspired Mary Shelley’s artistic creation, but he is here to celebrate the celebration season with us.

Yes, I said celebration season. We’ve just passed my Mom’s birthday and Mother’s Day, we’ll blink past my own natal day of non-remembrance, today is Father’s Day, and then, not by coincidence, we’ll celebrate my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary on the four score and sixth anniversary of my father’s birth. Oh, and there is the 4th of July somewhere in there as well. Last year, on their respective 80th and 85th birthdays, the cake reminisced back to the youthful days of old, that is, before I had arrived to start the aging process:

Mom and Dad's birthday cake

So Happy Father’s Day, Dad. You are loved and appreciated far beyond my poor power to express those feelings. My book, which you’ll soon see, is in part dedicated to you and Mom. Thanks for being my lifelong inspiration.

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity – Availability

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and David J. KentA quick update on the upcoming launch of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. Did I say upcoming. Actually…

It’s here!

The book is being published by Sterling Publishing (specifically, their Fall River Press imprint). Since Sterling is a subsidiary of Barnes and Noble, for the initial launch period the book will be available exclusively at Barnes and Noble stores and on the barnesandnoble.com website. You won’t find it listed on Amazon so go straight to the barnesandnoble.com (or BN.com) site.

The hard copy book is currently available for pre-order. Check it out, you can’t beat the price. Pre-order it now for delivery as soon as June 30th arrives.

Want an e-book? To speed up the process of adding the e-book to the site, look below the pre-order button for where it says “nook books.” Click on the line that asks “Want to read this on your NOOK? Request as NOOK Book from the publisher.” It will tell them to get the e-book online. [Or if it is already there by the time you click, just go ahead and order it]

In July the book will be in the actual Barnes and Noble brick-and-mortar stores. Look for it prominently displayed near the front door as you enter the store. I’ll provide more details when that happens, plus let you know where I’ll be secretly showing up to sign copies of the book (and give talks about Tesla to anyone interested).

I’ll also have copies for sale through this website, assuming I have any left after the upcoming visit with my family and my participation in Tesla Days in Philadelphia. Look for a link on this site in early July.

More details soon. I promise.

(Okay, time to celebrate!)





More information on the release of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity.

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Energy Independence – Tesla Days Events in Philadelphia

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityBe a part of history. Join me and the Tesla Science Foundation at a 4-day “celebration of science, ideas and progress” as part of the annual Tesla Days, July 6 – 9+, 2013, in Philadelphia. In addition to a fantastic display of inventions, presentations, and music, the Tesla Science Foundation will sponsor a Million Volt March. Billed as “a global breakthrough movement dedicated to building awareness of a new energy paradigm envisioned by the world’s greatest inventor, Nikola Tesla,” this is your chance to pledge yourself to energy independence.

I’ll be there introducing my book, Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity, which will be hot off the presses. Will you join me?

As of this writing there is about one month to go before these two great events coincide – the launch of my book and the great Tesla Days events. Over the next few weeks I’ll be spotlighting both events here on these pages.

The final details are being worked out now for Tesla Days but one thing is clear – it will change the way you see energy! After the Million Volt March there will be a signing of the Declaration of Energy Independence – and with Tesla’s influence, there might even be free energy. Check here for more information on locations, events, and lodging. Note that there are still a few slots available if you can offer a talk on a Tesla-inspired film, book or visual arts project during the Monday and Tuesday of the Festival. Contact Howard Lipman at parisbks@yahoo.com to get on the agenda.

I’ll be speaking at the Festival and will post more details here when the final dates and times are announced. And after waiting for a very long nine months I’ll also have actual physical copies of my book for sale. So come on to Philadelphia, buy a book direct from me, and I’ll even sign it to you. How about that for a deal, eh?

These are exciting times for Tesla and for me. Come back here to Science Traveler over and over during the next month because I’ll be posting tons of new information on the book, how you can get your own copy (hint – Barnes and Noble stores, front display), and speaking engagements where you can come to hear me speak. If you can’t wait until July (and it will be difficult to wait, I know), check out my talk at the Tesla Memorial Conference at the New Yorker Hotel in January (skip to about the 10:50 mark to see me literally trip up the steps to the stage).

I hope to see you in Philly, and back here often during the next few weeks for important details and offers.

More information on the release of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity.

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Book Review – Terminal Value by Thomas Waite

Terminal Value by Thomas WaiteI had fun reading this book. And not just because one of the main characters stumbles on an idea that would have made  Nikola Tesla’s ears ring. Thomas Waite’s debut novel introduces us to the techno-thriller. Someone dies in his prologue – we don’t know who or by whom, or even whether the murderer or murdered is male or female. But we do know that it has something to do with the acquisition of a high-tech mobile computing firm started by four young friends, and the big conglomerate that wants them. The elation of becoming rich overnight soon gives way to suspicion, of each other and of the shady characters that seem to emerge from every corner of the new firm.

Waite’s story builds as you get into the book, expanding the intrigue as Dylan and his partners struggle to discover how their company has become a pawn to both greed and murder. The tension builds as we gain insights into the world of high-tech corporations about to go public. As the recent Facebook IPO shows, going public isn’t always as innocent and above-board as it seems. Waite brings his many years of business expertise into the story, and the reader is all that much better for it. I really got into the story and couldn’t put the book down. Try this book. You will like it.

Click on the book image to get to Thomas Waite‘s website.

For other book reviews by David J. Kent, click here.

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Sneak Preview of the New Book – Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity

Today is a day that will live in my memory for a long time. It is the day I received the first actual hard copy of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity. In a word, the book is amazing. In a few more words, it is like nothing you have ever seen before in a Tesla biography.

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and David J. Kent

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity by David J. Kent

As you can see, the book is designed to be visually appealing. The cover is a vibrant – go ahead, you can call it electrifying – blue and features a photograph of Nikola Tesla and the visage of his famed Wardenclyffe tower. Look closer to see hints of lightning and radio.

The goal of the book is to reach out to those who want to learn about Nikola Tesla…or who want to learn about the history of invention in the United States…or who, well, just want to have fun with science. Inside, the book is highly illustrated. Photographs, drawings, even cartoons are laced throughout to highlight the text and bring Tesla to life. You can see the table of contents in an earlier article.

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity by David J. Kent

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity by David J. Kent

In addition to the wonderful graphics are many call-out quotes and stories. You can giggle along with his assistants as Tesla introduces Mark Twain to his oscillating device. Marvel at the roaring falls as Tesla and Westinghouse team up to harness Niagara. Root for him as he takes on Edison and Marconi, and even Einstein. The combination of stories and illustrations seeks to bring Nikola Tesla to the people in a way that those who understand his inventions and those who do not can both appreciate.

Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity officially publishes on June 30th. It will be available in Barnes and Noble stores and online. I hope you like it.

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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A review of TESLA, the off-Broadway play

Tesla official posterA rainy evening in the East Village welcomed the opening night of the new off-Broadway play, TESLA. All that was missing were bolts of lightning, which would have been appropriate given that Nikola Tesla was born at midnight during a thunder storm. Inside the theater the electricity was as vibrant as the topic of the show. Not a seat was to be found in the packed theater – not even standing room was left available. They were not to be disappointed.

For much of the play there are actually two Nikola Teslas onstage. Jack Dimich plays the older Tesla living out the end of his life in the Hotel New Yorker, ruminating over his inability to offer a particle beam to stop Hitler’s assaults on Yugoslavia. As Tesla chats with bellhop Luka (played by Luka Mijatovic), whom he has enlisted to feed his pigeons, he is joined by his younger self, who relives the glory days of invention. Young Tesla, played enthusiastically by James Lee Taylor, stars throughout as he meets his idol (and then rival) Thomas Edison, cavorts with Mark Twain, sees his dreams come true with the backing of George Westinghouse, and then sees those dreams dashed by J.P. Morgan.

TESLA cast

TESLA cast (Photo by Sam Mason, Tesla Science Foundation)

Alessandro Colla gives spirited performances both as Westinghouse and Twain. Adam Pagdon brings to life J.P. Morgan in a way that makes you both respect and despise the man who financed, then rejected, Tesla’s Wardenclyffe plans. Tom Cappadona is simply stellar as Thomas Edison, the self-made businessman whose investment in direct current leads him to encourage the electrocution of puppies and people to show the dangers of Tesla’s alternating current. Samantha Slater does double duty playing Katherine Johnson, the wife of Tesla’s friend and supporter Robert Underwood Johnson, as well as Mary, Edison’s enthusiastically social-climbing wife.

Despite the seriousness of the storyline, writer Sheri Graubert has expertly woven comic relief into the play. The most appreciated example is the recurring interludes by Guglielmo Marconi, “inventor of the raaadio.” Played magnificently by Jeff Solomon, you could hear the sound of the audience rising to a smile each time Marconi struts onto the stage. His performance was truly a gem. With her ability to switch back and forth between levity and gravity, Graubert has written an excellent play, well played.

Any review of TESLA would be remiss without acknowledging the superb direction of Sanja Bestic. Balancing two Teslas and host of other actors onstage, along with periodic video shots (by Maria Riboli) to set up and emphasize key characters and concepts, could not have been an easy task. Yet Bestic deftly turns the world of the enigmatic inventor into something we can all understand and appreciate.

Overall I was tremendously impressed with the quality of the acting, writing, and direction. The sold out opening night, including the pack of press passes sitting directly in front of me, rose organically and enthusiastically to give the bowing cast a standing ovation. It was well deserved.

TESLA ran through June 8th, 2013 at Theatre 80, St. Mark’s Place, New York. The run was sold out to standing only crowds. It was worth it.

David J. Kent is the author Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World, plus two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate. His latest book is Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. 

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

[Daily Post]


Updates on Nikola Tesla and Me

It has been a busy week for Nikola Tesla and me. Here is a (very) quick run-down of some of the highlights.

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityThe book is in the mail: I received word today that a few sample copies of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity have been received by my editor. He will be shipping one off to me in the mail, so by this weekend (or early next week at the very latest) I will hold the first copy of my baby book in my hands. We (that would be the royal “we”) are very much excited.


The magazine article is in the mail: Okay, it’s not really in the mail yet since I just got the invitation last night. But I will be providing one of a series of articles for the premier issue of The Tesla Magazine. Planned for July 2013 and thereafter published quarterly in both print and electronic formats, the magazine will be available on Amazon, iTunes and elsewhere. Wardenclyffe will be featured in the first issue, as is rightly so given the enthusiasm over the recent purchase of Tesla’s final laboratory property and the intent to turn it into a museum and science center.

Tesla official posterThe (off) Broadway play is in the mail: I’m stretching the meme here, but bear with me. As previously noted I talked for two hours with the director, writer, and cast members of a new Off-Broadway play called, appropriately enough, TESLA. Opening night is this Friday, May 24th, and yours truly will be there. After the play we’ll jaunt backstage to chat with the cast and then, if I can dig up an “Early 1900s GLAM” suit, join them at the after-party.

Of course, while this week may be Tesla-busy, the next month or two will be super-Tesla-busy. Tesla: Wizard of Electricity is officially published on June 30th and I’ll be attending the Tesla Days events in Philadelphia in time for Tesla’s July 10th birthday. More on Tesla Days when I return (hopefully Live) from New York.

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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Two Life Masks of Abraham Lincoln…And His Hands Too!

A few days ago I posted three views of Abraham Lincoln, a compilation of three photographs I took within the span of a few days in Washington D.C. I’ll have more on the second and third photos soon; for now let’s focus on the first one. The life masks and hands of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.

Back in the day, that is, the middle of the 1800s, sculptors would make a mask of the subjects face and head to later use for busts and full length sculptures. A Chicago-based sculptor named Leonard Volk approached Lincoln in the midst of the famous 1858 Illinois Senate race against Stephen A. Douglas. After two years of lobbying Volk finally convinced Lincoln to sit down in the spring of 1860, not long after Lincoln had returned from the East where he wowed the crowds at Cooper Union and in various cities of New England.

Abraham Lincoln Volk life mask

The casting process, according to Lincoln (and Abraham Lincoln Online), was “anything but agreeable.” Volk himself noted that:

“it was about an hour before the mold was ready to be removed, and being all in one piece, with both ears perfectly taken, it clung pretty hard, as the cheek-bones were higher than the jaws at the lobe of the ear. He bent his head low and took hold of the mold, and gradually worked it off without breaking or injury; it hurt a little, as a few hairs of the tender temples pulled out with the plaster and made his eyes water.”

The hands were actually cast a couple of months later in Lincoln’s Springfield home. Both are shown clasped, but the right hand holds a short piece of wood. Not surprisingly for Lincoln, the wood has a story. Again from Abraham Lincoln Online:

[Volk] wanted Lincoln to hold something in his right hand, so Lincoln produced a broom handle from his wood shed and began whittling the end of it. When Volk told him he didn’t have to smooth the edges Lincoln replied, “I thought I would like to have it nice.” Since Lincoln had been shaking hands in congratulations for getting the Republican nomination for President, Volk noted that “the right hand appeared swollen as compared to the left,” and that “this difference is distinctly shown in the cast.”

Abraham Lincoln hands

Ah, but there is a second life mask. Cast in February 1865, just weeks before the end of the Civil War and Lincoln’s tragic assassination, sculptor Clark Mills applied oil to Lincoln’s face, followed by a thin layer of plaster. Unlike the Volk mask, which came off in one piece, the second life mask fell “off in large pieces” that “were then reassembled to form the finished mask.”

Abraham Lincoln Mills life mask

Just one look at the two masks can show how the war (and illness) wore on the man and his face. The difference is striking, and disheartening.

Volk and Mills masks

I was lucky enough to see the masks and hands in the National Portrait Gallery, one of the Smithsonian’s many museums open free to the public. The attendant in the gallery told me that the sculptures had only returned to the museum about two weeks before, having been on tour. He expected them to go back out on tour in about six months. You can also see them in the Library of Congress in this short video from the History Channel.

Of course, why dawdle over some heads and hands when you can sit with Abraham Lincoln in his entirety? More on the second photo later.

More on Abraham Lincoln.

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America. His newest Lincoln book is scheduled for release in February 2022. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Follow me for updates on my Facebook author page and Goodreads.

The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews

Butterfly EffectI found an unexpected inspiration this morning. Wandering around my home library while shaving (as I am wont to do), I came across a small book called The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews. Curiosity led me to flip open to a random page, where I surprisingly found myself in the midst of a Civil War conversation. Intrigued, I decided to finish reading the book. I’m glad I did.

Andy Andrews has apparently made a name for himself as a speaker and inspirational writer. I had never heard of him. But he’s made the New York Times bestseller list at least twice and been invited to speak by at least four Presidents.

The Civil War conversation explored the decision by Union Colonel Joshua Chamberlain to lead his handful of remaining men on a charge against Confederate forces at Gettysburg. After five assaults on their position had left him with only 80 men and no ammunition, Chamberlain chose to risk it all in an all-out counter-assault. Essentially, a bluff. Andrews argues that this one insane act changed the course of history – saved Gettysburg for the Union troops, which saved the Union, which saved America, which allowed America to grow into a world power capable of stepping in to help save the world from axis forces on two fronts during World War II.

A butterfly flaps its wings and sets in motion events that have far-reaching effects.

One man makes a decision that changes the future of the world.

Andrews provides another example tracing back in time from a scientist named Norman Borlaug to FDR’s Vice-President Henry Wallace to George Washington Carver to a farmer named Moses. And what did Moses Carver’s act result in? The saving of two billion lives from famine.

His point, of course, is that everything we do in our lives matters.

Tesla: Wizard of Electricity

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