David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.

Nikola Tesla handmade chair

Nikola Tesla Chair by Scott MulcaheyNikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943 and has been largely forgotten from a history that deifies Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, George Westinghouse and others. But perhaps that is changing. Recently Tesla has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity, reaching an almost iconic status because of admirers like Larry Page of Google, an eponymous electric car company, and a star-filled magician movie. Like David Bowie who played him in Prestige, Nikola Tesla has become a pop idol.

One of my favorite tributes to Nikola Tesla is this handmade chair made from recycled and specialty woods – complete with Nikola Tesla graphics painted on front and back.

Nikola Tesla Chair by Scott Mulcahey

The chair is the design of Scott Mulcahey (with photographs taken by and courtesy of Charles Mulcahey). Scott is a furniture maker, designer, and artist in wood. Besides beautiful cabinetry, he creates one-of-a-kind birdhouses and chairs.

Like the Nikola Tesla chair above, all of his creations “use ‘old school’ joinery such as mortise and tenon construction.” Each chair is signed, dated and numbered. The materials include “sea salvaged driftwood, historical woods, reclaimed timbers and any other wood with character.” Not merely furniture, these award-winning pieces are works of art. They do Tesla proud.

Check out Circa Chairs on Facebook! More about the artist.

By the way, if you want to buy the Tesla chair it is too late – someone already purchased it. But if you beg, Scott might create an original for you.

More on Nikola Tesla.

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, now available. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (both Fall River Press). He has also written two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

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Lincoln – Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis Produce an Extraordinary Movie

Abraham LincolnLincoln is a must-see movie. Steven Spielberg has taken an  icon of history and explored him in a largely unknown situation that is sure to bring new insights into the complexities of both the man and the times. Abraham Lincoln is superbly played by Daniel Day-Lewis, whose performance is both disturbing in its believability and mesmerizing in its honest transcendence of the mythology that pervades our knowledge of the 16th President.

Lincoln is nominally based on the book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. While Goodwin’s epic book covers the entire period from Lincoln’s nomination to his assassination, the film focuses entirely on Lincoln’s fight to get the 13th Amendment – which bans slavery – through a contentious House of Representatives. He battles not only the Democrats who opposed the amendment, but the radical Republicans who felt it didn’t go far enough. All the while dealing with the reality that opposition to slavery did not equate with acceptance of full equality in all respects. This distinction plays out in a number of the relationships explored in the film.

Day-Lewis has magnificently captured Lincoln’s long periods of contemplation, ability to remain calm while others around him are reacting to every crisis, and a voice that may catch viewers by surprise but reflects the descriptions of Lincoln’s higher pitch and cadence. Day-Lewis successfully brings Lincoln to life as real person. No less superb is the acting of Sally Field as Mary Lincoln. Field offers us a deeper insight into the highs and lows of the woman who would help Lincoln reach his heights while bearing great burdens of her own.

The rest of the cast is equally stellar. David Strathairn as William Seward, Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens, and Hal Holbrook as Preston Blair all exquisitely add to the dimension of the film. In one scene where Robert Lincoln unexpectedly interrupts a critical discussion between Lincoln and Blair, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s non-verbal action in a span of a few seconds brilliantly conveys an entire history of the relationship between father and son. Likewise, the expression of Gloria Rueben as Elizabeth Keckley upon hearing Stevens’ speech reminds us that prejudice won’t be erased by a Constitutional amendment. The passions of David Oyelowo as Corporal Clark near the opening of the film bring us into the frustrations of the former slaves who, while fighting for the Union Army at the end of the war, must rely on the political gamesmanship of white men to decide whether they remain free or perhaps are returned to slavery.

The film works on many dimensions depending on your level of knowledge of the times. Some will see a great story being told, others the many layers of depth as the film explores the complex relationships between the major players and the wheeling and dealing that was required to get enough votes for passage of the amendment. Still others may see the parallels to our current situation.

I highly recommend everyone see this movie. You won’t regret it.

[Update: Lincoln received 12 Oscar nominations on January 10, 2013!]

More on Abraham Lincoln.

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Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving

Abraham LincolnAs Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln plays in the theaters and families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, perhaps not everyone is aware that this day results from a Proclamation signed into law by our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.

Issued in 1863 – in the midst of the civil war that was ravaging the nation – the Proclamation of Thanksgiving reminded us that we should be thankful for all we have, as life continued in this country even as so many were dying on the battlefields in a war that threatened to tear the country apart. Lincoln states:

I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

The proclamation, which was actually written by Secretary of State William Seward before being signed by Abraham Lincoln, established the precedent for the annual day of thanksgiving on the federal level. Days of thanksgiving up to then were sporadic and set by the individual states, usually in the fall to offer thanks for the bounty of the harvest. Lincoln’s Proclamation sought to bring together all Americans – in the north and the south and the east and the west.

Today the fourth Thursday each November is set aside for all of us to give thanks for all with which we have been blessed. Abraham Lincoln remembered this during a time of great strife so it should be easy for us to remember all that we have gained since that era. With that spirit in mind I give thanks for all the wonderful people I have, and have had, in my life. Thank you all, and be well always.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

More on Abraham Lincoln.

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So how did Nikola Tesla do when he went to California?

Nikola TeslaAs I mentioned a few weeks ago, Nikola Tesla joined me on my recent trip to Long Beach, California. And he did very well, thank you. At least my book about Tesla did very well.

I donated a copy of Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity to the silent auction at the annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Conference attendees saw a color brochure of the book that will come out in the spring of 2013. At that time I will inscribe and sign the book hot off the presses and ship it to the winning bidder. The book actually got five bids. Not bad for a biography of a long-dead electrical engineer auctioned to a group of toxicologists and chemists.

Nikola Tesla Silent Auction

And the winning bidder is…Diana Eignor. While I didn’t know any of the first four bidders it turns out I do know Diana. Like me a past-president of the Chesapeake and Potomac Regional Chapter of SETAC, Diana actually works in Washington DC not far from my own office. That will certainly save me postage for shipping the book when it comes out (though it might gladly cost me lunch). And the money that Diana paid goes to help fund SETAC’s student activities. Everyone wins.

Next up for Nikola Tesla and me is a trip to New York on the 70th anniversary of Tesla’s death in the New Yorker Hotel. More on that in a later post.

More on Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity.

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31 Flavors – Aquarium of the Pacific

Aquarium of the PacificNo, I don’t mean Baskin-Robbins is adding a new fish flavor to its menu (Orange Turbot, perhaps?). But the Aquarium of the Pacific becomes the 31st large public aquarium I have visited worldwide. Located in Long Beach, California, the Aquarium sits on the edge of the harbor with the Queen Mary basking in the background. Not the actual Queen, of course, but the ocean liner that sailed the Atlantic from 1936 to 1967 for the Cunard Line before being permanently moored and turned into a hotel.

My tour of the Aquarium of the Pacific took place during the SETAC meeting I mentioned in previous posts here and here. It’s traditional to have a Tuesday night social event and when there is an aquarium handy it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the aquarium becomes the setting. Upon arrival I headed upstairs to see most of the exhibits before the aquarium turned down the lights in the simulated night/day cycle.

Aquarium of the Pacific coral

The aquarium is the largest in California and the fourth largest in the United States. Over 1.5 million people pass through its doors every year to see over 11,000 animals in more than 50 exhibits. Like most aquariums it goes way beyond just display for entertainment, offering many opportunities for education and research.


Earlier in the day the President and CEO of the Aquarium, Jerry R. Schubel, gave a rousing presentation on man’s role and obligations when it comes to protecting the seas, the climate, and the biodiversity of this planet.

Overall the Aquarium of the Pacific provides a very nice introduction to the animals and plants of the oceans, with special emphasis on the Pacific. It’s a short walk from the Long Beach Convention Center and all the accompanying hotels and restaurants. It’s well worth the visit should you find yourself in Long Beach.

Check out more on their website: http://www.aquariumofpacific.org/

More on the aquariums I have visited here.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, now available. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (both Fall River Press). He has also written two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

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[Daily Post]



Busy week at SETAC

Peregrine falconBusy week at the SETAC conference so not much time to write. This morning I give a presentation on the Stockhom Convention for Persistent Organic Pollutants (woo hoo, exciting I know).

I’ll work up a new post this evening. Flight is tomorrow morning back to DC.

The photo is of a peregrine falcon, which I saw during a birdwalk on Sunday (along with kiting kestrels and about 50 other species of birds). More on that later.

Ed Begley Jr. – From St. Elsewhere to Sustainable SETAC

Ed Begley Jr.Many people will remember Ed Begley Jr. as Dr. Victor Ehrlich in the 1980s medical drama, St. Elsewhere. Begley was part of an all-star cast that including Howie Mandel, William Daniels, Denzel Washington, Mark Harmon, and many others. Fewer people know that Ed Begley Jr. has been a lifelong environmentalist and has pioneered the use of solar and wind power for home use. Last night Begley was the keynote speaker at the annual Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry meeting being held this week in Long Beach, California. He fit in nicely with the SETAC theme this year – innovation and sustainability.

Ed Begley Jr at SETAC 2012

One thing that struck me was that Begley is not some wild-eyed environmentalist screaming for the destruction of the oil companies. His main message was that no one has to bankrupt themselves to be environmental. He says to do what you can afford. In his own life he couldn’t afford solar panels early on so he focused on conservation of energy, avoiding waste, starting to compost. Over the years as he could manage it fiscally – which he could in part because he was saving so much money through wise conservation – he added on a solar water heater (and is now spokesperson for the Cirrex brand), then solar electricity, then invested in a wind turbine. His reminder to all is to be fiscally responsible but understand that not making changes has a cost too. With the use of renewable energy, walking and biking when he can, and driving an electric car for longer distances where mass transit in not available, he discovered a basic truth:

It’s good for the environment and also good for your wallet.

After a wonderfully delivered and very appreciated keynote speech Begley took questions from the packed ballroom. The audience consisted of many industry representatives (including from oil and chemical companies), academics, and other environmental researchers. When asked what role environmental scientists may have played in the shift toward sustainability back in the 1970s and beyond, Begley was adamant:

Environmental scientists are critical for doing the science and communicating it to public.

Without the science there is no way to inspire public opinion and get action. It became clear that Begley is one of those people who doesn’t just preach his views, he lives them. And yet he understands that the transition is a process. We have taken care of the most acute problems like deadly smogs in Los Angeles and burning rivers in Ohio. We did that through identifying the problems and taking action. He acknowledges that we cannot stop oil production tomorrow because we depend on it so much, but that to deal with the realities of man-made climate change we can take steps, work together, and innovate to build a more sustainable energy economy.

We can do what we can do now as long as we keep moving forward.

And moving forward is the key to sustainability. This week at SETAC we will take these thoughts into consideration – innovation and sustainability.

It turns out Ed Begley Jr. was a perfect opening night speaker. Thank you.

David J. Kent is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) (both Fall River Press). He has also written two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate. His next book is on Abraham Lincoln, due out in 2017.

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It’s Time to Travel

James JoyceI’ve been feeling a bit cooped up. The last time I traveled was in July when I went to Niagara Falls and New England. On that trip I visited Nikola Tesla’s two statues, then worked my way around Lake Ontario, past Lake Champlain, and down through New England to see the family. But that was months ago. I need to get out of the house.

Luckily I’m headed to southern California this weekend for a scientific conference. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is an international group and its North American component holds a meeting every November. This year is Long Beach. I missed the last four annual meetings because I was living in Belgium for three years (and then was just arriving back from a trip to China and Japan as the last one got underway). So I’m excited to get back there, especially because I am becoming President of the SETAC Chapter that serves my region, the Chesapeake and Potomac Regional Chapter. Check out our new logo:

CPRC logo

Even Nikola Tesla is coming with me to SETAC. I have donated a signed copy of my book, to be signed and delivered when it comes off the printing press in the spring. I’m sure he will enjoy the southern California weather.

But that isn’t the only trip planned. In December I’ll be taking my parents on a cruise of the Caribbean, with stops in Roatan (Honduras), Belize City (Belize), Costa Maya and Cozumel (both Mexico). I’ll have more on that later.

That will cover my traveling for the rest of the year. I already feel the need to plan for next year. Where should I go – Any ideas?

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Two Men + Two Tesla Coils + Special Suits = ELECTRICITY FIGHT (aka, Nikola Tesla is Very Cool)

Okay, by now we all know that Nikola Tesla is very very cool. So how about a really cool electricity duel? You got it.

These guys were part of a demonstration at a festival in Belfast (Ireland, not Ohio). So how do they keep from getting electrocuted? First, the electricity comes from Tesla Coils. These are high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating current” in a system perfected by Nikola Tesla in the late 1800s. The weird suits they are wearing form  “Faraday cages,” named after Michael Faraday, the scientist who first came up with the idea of electromagnetic fields. He showed that an electric charge would stay on the outside of a charged conductor, so the electricity basically circulates around the “cage” the men are wearing. Which is good, because otherwise the high voltages used would quickly make the performers, well, dead, and that would have made the performance quite a bit shorter.

As it stands, the crowd was electrified. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Nikola TeslaMore on Tesla coils.

More on Nikola Tesla: The Wizard of Lightning.

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