Unexpected Lincoln – The Other Booth Brother in Manchester-by-the-Sea

Junius_Brutus_Booth_Jr_-_Brady-HandyWe all know John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. And then there was Edwin Booth, the great Shakespearean actor known for his performances of Hamlet. But there was another Booth brother in the acting business, and you won’t believe where he showed up in this edition of Unexpected Lincoln.

Junius Brutus Booth, Jr. was the eldest son and namesake of the great British/American actor (not surprisingly named Junius Brutus Booth, Sr.). The Senior Junius Booth was considered one of the greatest actors of his time, that is, when he wasn’t having mental health and drinking issues. After abandoning his wife and son in England, Junius Senior absconded to the United States with Mary Ann Holmes, a flower girl he has just met. They had twelve children together, most notably the three actor brothers and their sister Asia. Junius Junior was the least known of the three, an okay actor that never reached the fame (and infamy) of his two younger siblings. Only once did the three brothers perform together on stage, in Julius Caesar (ironically, or perhaps presciently, Caesar and Brutus entered into John Wilkes’s thought processes when contemplating the assassination of Lincoln).

Booth, Jr., like all of the Booth actors, had an erratic life, including three marriages. The first was brief, the second died giving birth to their only child (who somehow lived a long life, dying at age 78 in 1937). Booth, Jr. was out in California for much of the Civil War, returning east in 1867 to become manager of the Boston Theatre, and married an Australian-born widow, Marion Agnes (Rookes) Perry, who was also an actress and dancer thereafter known as Agnes Booth.

Here’s where the unexpected comes in.

While managing the Boston Theatre (in, obviously, Boston, Massachusetts), Booth Jr. started a hotel and summer theater operation in Manchester-by-the-Sea, a Massachusetts seacoast town on Cape Ann north of Boston. [BTW, there was a critically acclaimed film of the same name starring Casey Affleck in 2016 that is definitely worth seeing]. I’m quite familiar with Manchester-by-the-Sea as it’s close to my hometown and my grandmother lived there for 102 years. I was completely unaware, however, that the aforementioned Junius Brutus Booth, Jr. had a hotel and summer stock theater there and, in fact, is buried in the cemetery I had passed hundreds of times.

Booth House_Masconomo House_Manchester MA

Having recently discovered this fact, I made a beeline for Manchester on my recent road trip to New England. And there it was. First, the hotel. On the narrow road just before the famous Singing Beach was an old house (above) that I had barely noticed on my many walking trips down that road. The main house is where Junius and Agnes lived while they let out rooms in the hotel extension next door. Most of the hotel portion burned down early in the 20th century, but a small part of it remains as the residence of the current owners, who now make the main house (the original that survived the fire) available for rental at a hefty price per night. It’s a short walk to the beach. This is the house that Booth built.

After finding the house (which, to be honest, could use some landscaping work), I drove up the road to the Rosedale Cemetery. I had seen a photo of the gravestones on Find-a-Grave (an incredibly useful website for finding dead people) but it didn’t give a location in the cemetery. This was the third cemetery I visited on this particular road trip; the first two conveniently told me the exact location. This one didn’t but the photo seemed to show the graves near a granite wall, so I circled the cemetery perimeter looking for a granite edge. Almost giving up (the cemetery is mostly ringed by a wrought iron fence), I suddenly noticed the unique shape of Junius, Jr.’s tombstone. Quickly pulling over into a miraculously available parking spot, I confirmed that this was the correct spot. In this section, the wrought iron fence sat atop a short granite wall base.

Junius Booth’s gravestone is literally an open book, which is how I was able to locate it so quickly. The book appears open to its middle pages and sits on a short pedestal such that the top is maybe three feet off the ground. The inscription is worn with age but still legible if you look closely. Oddly, it says he died in September 1884 while all the other information says he died in 1883 at age 61. Next to him is the scroll-like gravestone of his last wife, Marion Agnes Schoeffel. Yes, that’s Agnes Booth. Even though she remarried to a man named John B. Schoeffel, Agnes chose to be buried next to her more famous second husband and three of their children. The next Junius in line, their son Junius Brutus Booth III, died by suicide in 1912 and is buried in Brightlingsea, Essex, England.

Like his brother Edwin, Junius Jr. had been hauled into Old Capitol Prison in Washington, DC after their more infamous brother John Wilkes had assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Both Edwin and Junius Jr. were interrogated and released, and both went on to continuing careers in the theater after short hiatuses. By the way, Edwin had an encounter with another Lincoln, having famously saved the life of Robert Lincoln at a train station in late 1864 or early 1865. See more about that incident here. Junius ended up in New England, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Unexpected Lincoln is on the trail of other little-known connections to Lincoln, including more from my New England road trip that I’ll relate soon.

Photo credits: Top = Junius Brutus Booth Jr. by Mathew Brady, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division; Second from Top: Masconomo House, Manchester, MA from rental listing; Grouping = Booth gravestones, Rosedale Cemetery, Manchester, MA by David J. Kent


Fire of Genius

Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America is available at booksellers nationwide.

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David J. Kent is President of the Lincoln Group of DC and the author of Lincoln: The Fire of Genius: How Abraham Lincoln’s Commitment to Science and Technology Helped Modernize America and Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America.

His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Lincoln in England – Wiegers Calendar May

Wiegers Calendar MayAbraham Lincoln is everywhere, including England. In January the Dave Wiegers calendar took me back to Edinburgh, Scotland. Now that it is May, I head to Manchester, England for the first time to see a statue I’ve already seen.

Yes, you heard that right. I’ve never been to Manchester but I’ve seen the statue. Wait, that isn’t true. I have been to Manchester, or at least the airport. In 2005 I was returning to the United States after living and working for three months in Edinburgh. My flight first went to Manchester where I caught a connecting flight back to Washington, DC. My layover in the Manchester airport was anything but smooth. I had several hours to wait between flights, and if I recall correctly, the airport wasn’t such a great place to bide your time for long.

And then there was the taser incident.

As I waited, suddenly the airport went into a lockdown. A man was on the tarmac with a bomb in his briefcase, the spreading rumor said. They closed Terminal 1 (guess which terminal my flight was supposed to fly out of). There was no official announcement of why we were being held out of the terminal, although we could see news coverage on the television screens in the waiting area. Airport security chased a man carrying a briefcase, finally catching up to him a stone’s throw from the gate I now wondered if I would ever see. They tasered the guy, took him into custody, and carried out a controlled explosion of his briefcase, only to find there was no bomb. I never found out what happened to the man, but he was more psychologically distraught than any real danger. Eventually they let us back to the terminal and I made it home.

The incident was even more stressful when you remember that 2005 was also the year of the London terrorist explosions that killed 52 people and injured 700 others a few months before. The very day I was arriving in Edinburgh, the bombs went off in the London Tube stations and a bus. Also that very day, President George W. Bush arrived in Edinburgh for a G8 summit. It was a very anxious summer. [A few years later, on my first trip to Rome from my new home in Brussels, I got stuck in traffic caused by the arrival of the very same President Bush. I was starting to feel like he was stalking me; I had left Washington DC to get away from the politics, but here he was seemingly following me around the world.]

But let’s get back to the Lincoln statue. George Grey Barnard designed the statue, which was intended to be displayed in London. But London hated it. Robert Lincoln hated it. Most people, yup, hated it. The UK refused to erect it in London. Some called it the “belly ache Lincoln” because it appears to show him holding his stomach. The original statue actually stands in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is where I saw it a year ago. He is depicted as a working man’s Abe, with large hands wrecked by a life of labor and large feet seemingly more at home in the farm fields than the law and political offices he later held. For some in Cincinnati the statue is an eyesore, but most see it as a source of pride.

Lincoln statue Cincinnati

Meanwhile, back in England, with London out of the running (they would get a copy of a different statue), the city of Manchester said “Bring it here.” Manchester was happy to have it because Lincoln in January 1863 had written a letter to “The Workingmen of Manchester, England” in thanks for their support of the Union efforts and in acknowledgement of the strains of the workingmen in England and elsewhere in Europe.

I know and deeply deplore the sufferings which the workingmen at Manchester and in all Europe are called to endure in this crisis.

The people of Manchester never forgot Lincoln’s support. And so the statue nobody wanted was ensconced in Manchester. And there is remains, pensively, if not somewhat painfully, watching over visitors and working men and women in Lincoln Park.

[Photos: Calendar – David Wiegers; Lincoln statue in Cincinnati – Me, on a very rainy day]

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!