Odd Tastes in Art, Climate Change Politics, Abe Lincoln Gets Married (and Reelected)

It’s been another busy week, so here’s a quick roundup from Hot White Snow, The Dake Page, and Science Traveler.

The Death of MaratWhat do Picasso’s “Guernica,” David’s “The Death of Marat,” and Wyeth’s “Christina’s World” have in common? They all were posters hanging on my bedroom wall as a teenager. Yes, I was not a normal child. Read more at “An Odd Taste in Art for a Teen.”


IPCC reportTwo big events in climate science occurred this week. The most important one (IPCC’s Synthesis Report) was largely ignored while the least important one (Mid-Term Elections) will be talked about for the next two years. Check out why on The Dake Page.


Lincoln MemorialSpeaking of elections, Abraham Lincoln was reelected on November 8th, 1865, and 150 years later we are celebrating this milestone event with our Lincoln Group Symposium this Saturday in downtown DC. Only two days to go – sign up now or you can register at the door.


Lincoln and Mary ToddMeanwhile, this week also saw the anniversary of Lincoln’s tempestuous marriage to Mary Todd. The sudden wedding caught everyone by surprise; could have been because Mary had seduced old Abe? And why did Mary refuse to be photographed with her husband? Find out here.


Bonus! Sales of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity have remained strong since the second printing went back into Barnes and Noble this summer. More than 25,000 copies have been sold so far, and the publisher has ordered a third printing for February 2015. Meanwhile, my e-book continues to sell on Amazon – look for some exciting news about Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time to be annnounced shortly.

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About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is www.davidjkent-writer.com.
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