Surprise Endorsements on the Internet

As an author, every once in a while I find a pleasant surprise on the amorphous conglomerate known as the world wide web, aka “the net,” “the internet,” or if you’re a fan of G.W. Bush, “the internets.” I recently came across a few endorsements of my books in unexpected places.

The first is from the Czech Republic. Yes, you read that correctly. My Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity book, in addition to its eight printings in the US, has been translated into at least four foreign languages, including Czech. Which led me to this:

I have no idea what she’s saying, but from the expression on her face and body language I assume it is good.

Also popping up in my feed one day was a review of the Tesla book by the Red Dirt Report, an Oklahoma-based independent news blog. The review is demonstrably positive and notes that the book is:

Simple and easy to read, the book Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity by David J. Kent is great for one who doesn’t know the story of the mythic scientist…


Meanwhile, my Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time e-book was cited inTesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time an article published in Big Think, an online science and Technology publication. Article author Paul Ratner notes:

As historian David J. Kent writes, to tap into the kinetic energy generated by the rushing Niagara, some of the water going over the Falls was sent through a long tunnel where it turned a series of turbines, which converted energy into mechanical energy that created electricity.

Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America


My newest book, Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, has been in the news as well. Still available in Barnes and Noble stores nationwide and as a Nook and Kindle e-book, it turns out it’s also available as a Kobo e-book.

My Lincoln book was also mentioned in an article published in the Chicago Tribune called “Who needs another Lincoln biography? We do – and here’s why.” I get mentioned along with works by Sidney Blumenthal (yes, that Sidney Blumenthal, whom I talked to again at the recent ALI symposium), Fred Kaplan, and Richard Kigel.

It doesn’t stop there. Lincoln has been nominated for two prestigious book awards, been featured on three episodes of the Railsplitter podcast, been reviewed in Civil War Times, and been chosen to support the LEAD Spirit of Lincoln Youth Leadership Academy for 2018. In fact, I’ve just learned that Lincoln has once again been chosen for the 2019 LEAD program. I may even be able to join them during my Chasing Abraham Lincoln tour, Part 3.

I’ll end by asking a favor. If you come across any mentions of me or my books in any kind of media, please drop me a line and let me know. I very much appreciate it!

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

About David J. Kent

David J. Kent is an avid traveler, a former scientist, and an Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of books on Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison. His website is
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  1. David, this is beyond fantastic! Congratulations!
    R C Larlham

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