Abraham Lincoln

You could say I have a passion for Abraham Lincoln.  I have been fascinated by our 16th President since I was a kid. Lincoln was a man of great strength – both physically and in character.  A man who was called to serve his country when his country was trying to rend itself asunder. A man who ultimately gave up his life to save the Union.

This fascination led to an independent career as an Abraham Lincoln historian. Over the years I’ve collected hundreds of books about Abraham Lincoln, though with an estimated 18,000 books written about him I have a long way to go. Having the money to collect more and the shelf space to store more, well, that’s a different question altogether.  As of this writing I have over 1700 titles in my collection. However, a title could be multiple volumes. For example, my 10-volume set of Nicolay and Hay’s “Abraham Lincoln: A History” published in 1890 counts only as one “title.” So, the actual number of books is over 1800, and counting.

Some quick numbers:

301++    =     Number of books signed by the author (many directly to me)

951++    =    Number of confirmed first editions

240++      =    Number of first editions that are signed by the author

112+      =    Number of books that have pre-1900 copyright dates

1834  =    Oldest copyright date in my collection

Some of the more notable books are signed copies of Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin (the basis for the Steven Spielberg/Daniel Day-Lewis/Sally Field movie) and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. I also have signed copies of books by historians Harold Holzer, Carl Sandburg, Osborn Oldroyd, Lloyd Ostendorf, James Swanson, Sidney Blumenthal, Jon Meacham, and recently deceased (at 100) Richard Current.

My home page posts will highlight my Lincoln-related writing and activity.  Feel free to check back periodically to see what new stories and photos have been added.  Better yet, subscribe to this web site – see the right column on the home page.


My newest book is Lincoln: The Fire of Genius, released September 1, 2022, is now available for order through Amazon and elsewhere. Readers will learn through The Fire of Genius how science and technology gradually infiltrated Lincoln’s remarkable life and influenced his growing desire to improve the condition of all men. The book traces this progression from a simple farm boy to a president who changed the world.

Lincoln: The Fire of Genius


My earlier book is Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, from the same publisher who put out my books on Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. Buy it on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble stores or online at BarnesandNoble.com. You can also order a signed copy on the Buy My Books page.

Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America


Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate


You can also buy my specialty e-book Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate on Amazon. This e-book takes a look at the amazing connections between these two great men.

Another related activity is the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, of which I am currently the President. I’m working to expand our contributions to the community and the education of the public and government on all things Lincoln. Read more about us on our website, Lincolnian.org.

For a full list of my Abraham Lincoln posts click here.


  1. Pingback: Abraham Lincoln Book Acquisitions – January to June 2014 | Science Traveler

  2. Pingback: Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln | Science Traveler

  3. Pingback: Third Year Reflections of a Science Traveler | Science Traveler

  4. Dear Mr. Kent,
    Your book, Lincoln, The Man Who Saved America, is very insightful about Lincoln’s extraordinary life.
    I have the 2017 copyrighted version.
    Please in the next printing on Page 140, correct the Quote, ..RIGHT MAKES RIGHT…

    i will read next your Edison and Tesla books

    Vince Amarosa

    • Thank you for letting me know about the typographical error, Vince. A rather important one as you know, and I’m shocked that we all missed it. I will let the publisher know that it should be corrected. I’m glad you enjoyed the book and hope you enjoy the Tesla and Edison books as well.

  5. I was interested in the Lincoln Statues calendar. I was waiting for the photographer to come out with a book of his photos of the statues of Lincoln ( I believe he was supposed to call it A Life Worth Remembering) but it never happened . Is there way to get the calendar or calendars that he shares his photos of the statues? Thanks
    K P

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