CPRC Annual Meeting at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center – April 22 (Earth Day)

CPRC logoPlans are coming together for the Annual Meeting of the Chesapeake-Potomac Regional Chapter (CPRC) of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Yes, that was a mouthful, but the important point here is that CPRC has chosen Earth Day (April 22nd) for its annual meeting. And what a meeting it is shaping up to be.

In case you missed it, Science Traveler has become an Associate Sponsor of CPRC (and yours truly is honored to be the current CPRC President). CPRC is “a professional forum for individuals from private industry, academia, and government agencies who are engaged in the study and analysis and solutions for environmental problems.” Because of our location near our nation’s capital and the Chesapeake Bay being the dominant ecological feature, it is eminently appropriate that the chapter hold its meeting at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC). I’ll have a more in-depth profile of CBEC soon; for now I’ll focus on the keynote speaker for the meeting – Tim Wheeler.

Tim Wheeler is the environment and Chesapeake Bay reporter for the Baltimore Sun. He has received many awards for his work, most recently the 2012 “Excellence in Journalism” award from the Renewable Resources Foundation for his reporting on efforts to clean up Baltimore Harbor. As a former president of the Society of Environmental Journalists and a long-time writer about the region, Tim is the perfect keynote.

Tim’s talk: Saving the Bay: 30 years and Counting

There will be much more at this event. More speakers. More food. More drink. And for those who venture out a day early, a guided bird walk, kayaking, and a chance to hobnob with a raptor or two (or three).

More information on the CPRC meeting can be found on the CPRC website.

More about CPRC and SETAC.

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Winner of ASJA Educational Foundation Scholarship Award

David J. KentThe weekend started with a very welcome email. Alexandra Owens, the Executive Director of the ASJA Educational Foundation, wrote to tell me, well, I’ll let her say it in her own words:

It is with great pleasure that I hereby notify you of your selection as a recipient of a 2013 ASJA Writers Conference scholarship. Congratulations! We were very impressed with the quality and number of applications we received, and yours was indeed a standout. We are very happy to offer you a place at the Conference.

For those who don’t know already, ASJA is the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Their annual conference is at the end of April in New York City. I had applied for a scholarship that would cover the cost of the two-day registration (which, as you might guess, is not cheap). So I’m in. Ah, but it doesn’t stop there (or perhaps, “But wait, there’s more!”).

Not only do I get the registration fee waived, they also toss in a ticket to the ASJA Awards Presentation event being held that Thursday evening. While Friday and Saturday are open to non-members, Thursday is reserved for special sessions open only to ASJA members (of which I am not one…yet). I still can’t attend the day events but I’ll get a chance to sit in as ASJA acknowledges the work of their members in various categories. And as luck would have it, an acquaintance of mine turns out to be one of the winners. Is that karma or what?

But that isn’t all. I also get a 30-minute mentoring session with “an established, professional writer specializing in your topic of choice.” Now all I need is a topic of choice.

All in all this is exciting stuff. And that’s even before figuring in all of the great presentations and workshops during the two days. Keynote speaker A.J. Jacobs will tell us about his most recent experiences trying to become “the healthiest person in the world.” In fact I recently finished one of his earlier books The Know-It-All, which chronicles his mildly insane project of reading the entire 32-volume hard copy Encyclopedia Britannica. I’ve heard him speak before so know that it will be an entertaining luncheon.

Of course, I’ll likely mention a time or two about my forthcoming book on Nikola Tesla. I had some great news on that front earlier in the week as well. But wait there’s more! (Couldn’t resist). Two other exciting events happened this past week as well. I’ll save those for another post. For now I’m off to get myself psyched for New York City. And what better way to do that than listening to Alicia Keys.

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Martin Luther King Assassination Anniversary

Martin Luther KingToday is the anniversary of the 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, the famed civil rights leader. He was shot April 4th while standing on the balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. King’s contributions and impact on American society are well known, and yet immeasurable. The following short YouTube clip explains the assassination well:

In 2011 a memorial was erected to Martin Luther King along the tidal basin in Washington DC. You can see some of my photos in this piece from last year.

More information on Martin Luther King can be found here.

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Tesla: Wizard of Electricity – release date

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityWe have a book release date! Tesla: Wizard of Electricity is officially scheduled to be published on June 30, 2013. That is when it will be available to the general public. A mere nine months after I submitted the manuscript. Of course, it isn’t really that easy. The process of publishing a book, while not quite like having a baby, apparently takes just as long.

I actually finished writing the book and submitted it to the publisher on September 10, 2012. A few weeks later I receive word from my editor that the manuscript was just what they were looking for. Then by the time I finish my “happy dance” I have a set of edits to review. To my amazement and relief most are minor and the few more substantive ones are easily addressed. That got us to November. By January the electronic manuscript files were sent to the overseas printer.

Then I wait.

Tap, tap, tap.

Okay, is it done yet? No? More tapping.

Spring forward to April 2nd – details from my editor at Sterling Publishing. Happy dance again. [Okay, for those who know me, I admit that I didn’t actually do a “happy dance” because, well, let’s just say it would not look so happy. Feel free to rid that rhetorical flourish from your mind’s eye.]

In any case, the printing of the book is going to take a while. It’s being printed overseas so that the cost savings can be put into all the color for the interior pages and the foil treatment being used for the cover. In short, this is going to be a nice looking book. If all goes well with the printing then the books should hit the warehouse by June 20th and be available in Barnes and Noble stores by June 30th.

Which is just in time because I plan to attend the Tesla Days events in Philadelphia on July 6-10 celebrating the 157th anniversary of Tesla’s birth. I’ll have a supply of books on-hand for purchase by anyone who will be in the area to witness displays of Tesla-inspired inventions, attempts to produce free energy, a “battle of the Tesla coils,” a Tesla art show, and music, movies, and literary wonders galore. I hope you’ll drop by.

More on Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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New Page – Tesla Events and Speaking Engagments

Now that Tesla: Wizard of Electricity is (soon to be) on the shelves, it’s a good time to start tracking various speaking engagements, interviews, and other related events. I expect this will be a living page, that is, will be frequently updated with new events as they arise.

Check out the new page here. And bookmark so you don’t miss an event near you.

Tesla book cover from CB 3-7-13

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Tesla Science Foundation Expands Efforts to Recognize Nikola Tesla’s Contributions

Nikola TeslaThe Tesla Science Foundation is expanding. Following the success of the most recent Tesla Memorial Conference, which took place on the 70th anniversary of Telsa’s death on January 7, 2013, the Foundation is working with other Tesla groups to recognize Nikola Tesla’s contributions to society. As Nikola Lonchar, President and Founder of the Tesla Science Foundation, recently announced:

Nikola Tesla’s popularity is growing.  Our hard work has helped make that happen. Additionally, our hard work has placed our group in a strong position to do more as the most active Tesla-related group in the country.  With this power comes the responsibility to carry out the mission of the Tesla Science Foundation, the Nikola Tesla Club and Nikola Tesla Inventors Club by facilitating the growth of free and renewable energy.

To accomplish this, the Foundation and its affiliate Tesla Groups have proposed a series of activities to enhance the Tesla name. They include:

  • Consolidation of all of the Tesla groups domains into a single website location called TeslaTalk.tv. A webinar series will provide background on Nikola Tesla, allow interviews of “some of the world’s most knowledgeable scientists and Tesla enthusiasts,” and rebroadcasts of Tesla lectures from around the world.
  • Monthly meetings and lectures at libraries, schools and universities.
  • Development of new Tesla Clubs worldwide.
  • Continue organizing two annual conferences per year in the United States – the January Memorial Conference in the New Yorker Hotel (New York City) and the July Tesla Days celebrations in Philadelphia.
  • A project to restore the Tesla Room in the New Yorker Hotel to its original appearance, including a permanent Tesla display in the hotel.
  • Funding of innovative and promising projects by group members with the goal of promoting the legacy of Nikola Tesla and developing future innovations based on his work.
  • Opening of a Tesla Club building in Philadelphia. The vision is to include an art gallery, book store, library, a “Tesla: Past, Present, Future” display, a coffee/snack shop (featuring Tesla’s favorite foods, of course), and a webinar recording studio and communication center.
  • A traveling exhibit version of the “Tesla: Past, Present, Future.”

I’ll provide more information on each of these goals in future posts so be sure to check back here often. You can search on keywords “Tesla Science Foundation” to get a list of relevant articles.

I’ll also have more on an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign that is currently being developed to help make these goals a reality.

More on Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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Recent Abraham Lincoln book acquisitions

Abraham LincolnJust this year alone (so far) I have acquired 19 books on Abraham Lincoln, plus two magazines focused on specific aspects of the Civil War. Most of these are recent copyrights. The seemingly old ones in the list that follows are actually more recent reprints (e.g., Halleck 1862 is not really a first edition from that era, much to my chagrin; and the Illinois Central Railroad Company 1905 is a modern disappointment).

The other dates reflect the actual age of the books. About half are confirmed first editions. Only one of the books in the list is signed, but ah, what a gem it is. Tony Kushner is the screenwriter for the Steven Spielberg Lincoln movie that won Daniel Day-Lewis his unprecedented third Best Actor Oscar. He signed a limited number of a special cloth edition (i.e., hardcover) at the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago. And I have one.

Okay, enjoy the list while I work on my proposal. Will be back soon.

Anderson, Dwight G. Abraham Lincoln: The Quest for Immortality 1982
Berg, Scott W. 38 Nooses: Lincoln, Little Crow, and the Beginning of the Frontier’s End 2012
Boritt, Gabor S. (ed) The Lincoln Enigma: The Changing Faces of an American Icon 2001
Cromie, Alice A Tour Guide to the Civil War: The Complete State-by-State Guide to Battlegrounds, Landmarks, Museums, Relics, and Sites (3rd Edition, Revised) 1990
Eliot, Alexander Abraham Lincoln: An Illustrated Biography 1985
Gary, Ralph Following in Lincoln’s Footsteps: A Complete Annotated Reference to Hundreds of Historical Sites Visited by Abraham Lincoln 2001
Halleck, Henry Wager Elements of Military Art and Science 1862
Hartwig, D. Scott To Antietam Creek: The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 2012
Hirsch, David and Van Haften, Dan Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, and the Structure of Reason 2012
Holzer, Harold Lincoln: President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861 2008
Illinois Central Railroad Company Abraham Lincoln As Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company 1905
Kushner, Tony Lincoln: The Screenplay 2012
Lamon, Ward H. The Life of Abraham Lincoln; From His Birth to his Inauguration as President (Illustrated Edition) 2013
Marvel, William (ed) The Monitor Chronicles: One Sailor’s Account: Today’s Campaign to Recover the Civil War Wreck 2000
Nesbitt, Mark Ghosts of Gettysburg: Spirits, Apparitions and Haunted Places of the Battlefield 1991
Redkey, Edwin S. (Ed) A Grand Army of Black Men 1992
Spiegel, Allen D. A. Lincoln: Esquire: A Shrewd, Sophisticated Lawyer in His Time 2002
Still, William N., Jr., Taylor, John M., and Delaney, Norman C. Raiders and Blockaders: The American Civil War Afloat 1998
Wideman, John C. Naval Warfare: Courage and Combat on the Water 1997
Railroads in the War (magazine) 1991
The Hunter Becomes the Prey (magazine) 2004

More about Abraham Lincoln.

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The Orchids of Tenerife

As you read this I’m on my way to an island adventure (more on that later), which got me thinking about a past island adventure – Christmas in Tenerife. A quick Google search will show you that Tenerife is the main island in a group called the Canary Islands. Located off the coast of Morocco in northwest Africa, the Canaries actually belong to Spain. So my snowy escape from Brussels got me to frigid Madrid and then on to the nicely toasty Tenerife. [Toasty at sea level anyway; the summit of the volcano in the center of Tenerife was covered in ice and snow.]

Back to the toasty, even downright tropical, climate near the sea. While roaming the island and visiting Loro Parque I fell into a pod of orchids. Now I’m no orchid expert (to say the least), so I’m counting on all of you to let me know what to call the orchids that follow. Enjoy the photos.

Orchid DSC03453 DSC03454 DSC03455 DSC03456 DSC03457 DSC03458 Orchid


Okay, that last one was an Orca, not an Orchid. My bad.

I also suspect not all the orchids are orchids. Any orchid experts out there?

More on my travels.

David J. Kent is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) (both Fall River Press). He has also written two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

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Science Traveler to Sponsor Chesapeake Potomac Chapter of SETAC

It is with great pleasure that I announce Science Traveler (i.e., this website) has signed up to be an Associate Sponsor of the Chesapeake Potomac Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Okay, that was a mouthful. How about we just say CPRC and SETAC. You can find their websites by clicking on the links above, or even better, clicking on the really cool logo below.

CPRC logo

The role of CPRC is to, well, I’ll let them tell you:

Our chapter provides a professional forum for individuals from private industry, academia, and government agencies who are engaged in the study and analysis and solutions for environmental problems, management and regulation of natural resources, and/or research and development.  We facilitate networking and educational opportunities for scientific professionals, mentoring and career guidance for students, and environmental education and outreach fo the public.

CPRC will have its annual spring meeting on April 22nd, Earth Day, this year. If you’re in the Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia/West Virginia (or Delaware) area, feel free to check out the meeting details here.

As a new Associate Sponsor, Science Traveler plays a key role in helping CPRC foster interaction among its members, sponsor scientific meetings and social events, produce a biannual newsletter, maintain a website, and, perhaps most importantly, sponsor student awards “that encourage and promote the research and professional development of our student members.” CPRC ad Spring 2013

I’m proud that Science Traveler is sponsoring CPRC. And to roughly paraphrase that old Hair Club for Men TV commercial, “I’m not only a sponsor, I’m the current President of CPRC.”

More about CPRC and SETAC.

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Tesla: Wizard of Electricity (The Cover Design)

Nikola TeslaExciting news today.

I received the current working cover design for Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

So, what do you think?

Tesla book cover from CB 3-7-13

You’ll notice that it differs from the cover design I had posted here up until now. I’ve been using a “body double” while the editor and his staff worked their way through the book layout and design stages. We may still tweak this a bit, but odds are the final cover will look like this one. This past week I also provided two bios – a short one for the back cover and a longer one for the inside. The finish line is within sight.

I have to admit that this is an exciting day for me. I submitted the manuscript to Sterling Publishing last September and have been holding my breath waiting to feel the actual book in my hand. Of course, I’ll have to wait a bit longer since it is just now going to the printer. A bit behind the original schedule but I’m still looking at it “going live” by my birthday.

In the meantime I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of the people who have worked the hardest to give Nikola Tesla the recognition he deserves. I presented at the Tesla Memorial Conference in New York City in January and hope to present at the Philadelphia Tesla Conference in July. I’ve started lining up other speaking engagements as well, including inquiries for talks at the public libraries in Ipswich, Hamilton-Wenham and Fairfax once the book hits the shelves. Please send me a note if you can arrange a speaking engagement near you (especially if you live in Belgrade, Serbia).

Also feel free to opine on the cover in the comments. Too blue? Not enough lightning bolts? My name not big enough? The photo of Nikola Tesla looks just a wee bit like your Uncle Wally? Let me know what you think.

More on Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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