Lincoln in Portugal – Wiegers Calendar July

Setubal PortugalPerhaps one of the oddest locations for an Abraham Lincoln statue is at a winery in Portugal. Which gets us to David Wiegers’s calendar entry for July. And a chance to reminisce on my quick visit to Portugal near the three years I spent living and working in Brussels.

My first thought looking at the July photo was that this was a strange background for a Lincoln statue. Perhaps it was my early years working hazardous waste sites in New Jersey, but it looked like there were some sort of petrochemical refinery tanks, with Lincoln standing in an overgrown field. Nah, must be grain silos in the mid-west. Nope. Turns out they are fermentation tanks at the Bacalhoa winery in Setubal, Portugal.

The winery started way back in 1922 and has undergone several iterations, slowly becoming one of the most respected vineyards in the country. José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo, Portugal’s most famous art collector, became the majority shareholder in 1998, so it comes as no surprise that he created a blend of wine and art on the property. In addition to modernizing the wine-making facilities and vines, the grounds now display a large collection of exotic statuary ranging from replicas of terra cotta warriors from Xi’an, art deco, Zimbabwean soapstone sculptures, and yes, a full length standing statue of Abraham Lincoln sculpted by Charles Keck. New York City born, Keck’s works include a seated Lincoln statue in Wabash, Indiana, the Huey Long statue in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol, and a large Lewis and Clark statue in Charlottesville, Virginia. I missed seeing another Keck statue in Senn Park, Chicago, showing a barefoot young Lincoln taking a break to read a book.

Lisbon Portugal protest

My own visit to Portugal took me not far from the Lincoln statue. Setubal is just south of Lisbon, where I spent several days fighting overcast weather and occasional rain. On a multi-mile stroll I took in the grand bull ring, many marvelous statues, the huge central squares, the castle, and found myself in the middle of a labor protest. For the latter, I decided to follow along with the large crowd marching up the main road from the central square to the Monument to the Marquis of Pombal. Only after seeing the protest on the hotel television that night did I realize being in the middle of a protest march in a foreign country might not have been the best decision of the day. Luckily I also found my way out to the world-famous Oceanario de Lisboa, one of the earliest, and largest, big-tank aquariums in Europe. On another day I took the train north to Sintra, a World Heritage Site featuring the Castle of the Moors and Pena National Palace.

So as with other locations in this year of explore the Wiegers calendar series, I was close to yet another Lincoln statue outside the United States. It seems everyone likes our sixteenth president. Certainly many in the United States would like more Lincoln right now.

Until next month!

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!



Isaac Newton Becomes Abraham Lincoln’s First Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture

Lincoln Department AgricultureOn June 30, 1862, the Senate confirmed Isaac Newton as Abraham Lincoln’s first Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture, which Lincoln had signed into existence a month earlier. Having come to despise the hard labor of his early years on subsistence farms, Lincoln had always favored government intervention to help people better their condition and looked for ways to bring science to agriculture.

In his first annual message to Congress on December 3, 1861, Lincoln wrote:

Agriculture, confessedly the largest interest of the nation, has not a department nor a bureau, but a clerkship only, assigned to it in the Government. While it is fortunate that this great interest is so independent in its nature as to not have demanded and extorted more from the Government, I respectfully ask Congress to consider whether something more can not be given voluntarily with general advantage…While I make no suggestions as to details, I venture the opinion that an agricultural and statistical bureau might profitably be organized.

Congress took the hint. With his Republican Party in control and uncooperative Southern representatives no longer an impediment to action, Congress passed a bill creating the Department of Agriculture. Its goal was to institutionalize science in agriculture and thus put farming on the path to the future.

The bill stipulated that the goal of the new independent department, sent to the President by the aptly named Galusha Grow, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Solomon Foot, President of the Senate pro tem, stipulated that the role of the new independent Department was:

to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and to procure, propagate, and distribute among the people new and valuable seeds and plants.

In his next annual message to Congress, Lincoln eagerly reported that he had “caused the Department of Agriculture of the United States to be organized.” The new Department would develop scientific experiments, collect statistics, test new seeds and plants, and disseminate any knowledge gained to agriculturists. [cite From the bill] As innovative variations were developed, seeds, cereals, and cuttings would be distributed to farmers for widespread propagation. New knowledge on nutrition, soil management, tilling strategies, and crop rotation would also be relayed to the farmers so they could improve crop yields for a growing nation. Lincoln’s vision of bringing scientific benefits to the people would begin.

Lincoln called Agriculture his “people’s department.” Isaac Newton—no relation to the famed English astronomer, mathematician, and physicist—was an agriculturist who had made acquaintance with Lincoln while selling farm products to the White House. Derided early on for his lack of formal education, Lincoln took a liking to him, perhaps because he could relate to his initiative and self-schooling. Newton turned out to be well suited for the job.

Near the end of 1862, Newton sent a 54-page handwritten account to Lincoln, the first annual report from the Department. After describing the history of agriculture through the ages, Newton reported excellent harvests of crops across the northern states even with the loss of many men serving the war effort. He noted that the North, with its free labor, was faring better than the South, whose slave labor system harmed fertility and agricultural yield.

Newton went on to tout agricultural science advancements made by inventor Jethro Tull (horse drawn hoe, mechanical seed drill, improved plow), chemist Sir Humphrey Davy (Elements of Agricultural Chemistry), agricultural writer Arthur Young (Annals of Agriculture), and the reapers of John Henry Manny and Cyrus McCormick, with which Lincoln was already familiar from his legal career. Reiterating Lincoln’s Wisconsin speech, Newton noted that agricultural progress requires “a more thorough Knowledge and practice…as a Science and an Art.”

All of this would eventually lead to a more thorough education of the farmer in physical science and political economy. In too much of the nation, Newton wrote, farmers continued to cultivate depleted soil, thus necessitating the application of manure as fertilizer in an unwinnable battle against soil nutrient exhaustion. Using science, including proper tilling practices, crop rotation, and nutrient preservation, he argued, agriculture could provide greater consistency and magnitude of production for decades to come.

Lincoln had successfully turned his much-maligned farming drudgery into a department that would transform American agriculture.

[Adapted from a work in progress]

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Rally and Teach-In at Lincoln Park, Washington DC TODAY (6/26/20)

Emancipation MemorialJoin the Rally and Teach-In for Lincoln Park
Friday, June 26, 2020, 6:00 PM

In a demonstration of solidarity and recognition of the history of Lincoln Park in Washington, D.C. members of the local, regional and national historic organizations and Douglassonian communities are called to assemble.

The history of Frederick Douglass & Abraham Lincoln will be shared as well as stories of the friendship of Frederick Douglass and Elizabeth Keckley, excerpts of Frederick Douglass 1876 speech, and the friendship of Frederick Douglass and Robert Todd Lincoln. I discussed the history of the Emancipation, or Freedman’s, Monument in my previous post.

Nathan Richardson will present his internationally known reenactment of Honorable Frederick Douglass with excerpts from select speeches, including the remarks of Frederick Douglass on President Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Douglass will hold a post-performance discussion.

Members of FREED, “Female Re-Enactors of Distinction,” affiliated with the African-American Civil War Museum will present, including Marcia Cole portraying Charlotte Scott, who made the first donation towards the Freedmen’s Monument in Lincoln Park.

A friend to Congressman John Lewis, Washingtonian Dan Smith, whose father was born enslaved in 1863, will share some reflections and thoughts on history and the monument.

Howard University Professor Carolivia Herron, an indigenous Washingtonian and internationally known scholar, will offer historic and contextual remarks.

Support commentary will be presented by John O’Brien, President of the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, John Muller, author of Frederick Douglass in Washington, D.C.: The Lion of Anacostia, and several others.

Local student-Douglassonians will be serving as history ambassadors.

Invitations to attend have been extended to Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Mayor Muriel Bower, Douglassonians members of the United States Senate, United States House of Representatives and several other public officials.

Musical performances are waiting to be confirmed as well as participation of honor guards. More details forthcoming as they become available.

All CDC and DC DOH guidelines will be followed.

Note: Lincoln Park is walkable from the DC Metro, just east of the U.S. Capitol.

Juneteenth and the Freedman’s Memorial

Emancipation MemorialOn June 19th, 1865, Union Major General Gordon Granger entered Galveston, Texas and discovered that somehow word had not previously been communicated to the enslaved people that they were free in accordance with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation effective January 1, 1863. With Granger’s General Order No. 3, June the 19th came to represent the end of slavery in America, and as such became an African American holiday called Juneteenth.

Technically, the Emancipation Proclamation wasn’t a sufficient post-war protector of freedom and actual permanent freedom was only guaranteed by ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865. But the date stuck because of its immediate meaning and has been celebrated by African Americans since that time, ebbing and flowing in response to societal suppression or promotion. Some local governments and states acknowledged the holiday, and more recently the trend is for more governments and companies have established the day as an official holiday or day off from work. Juneteenth is one element of a long history related to the attainment of equal rights for African Americans and all Americans, although our nation has also been plagued by historical and continuing systemic racism.

One aspect of that history that remains controversial today is the Freedman’s Memorial in Washington, DC. Often referred to as the “Emancipation Memorial” or “Freedom’s Memorial” or even “Lincoln and Emancipation,” the statue by sculptor Thomas Ball was erected in Lincoln Park east of the U.S. Capitol. It depicts Abraham Lincoln standing over an enslaved black man being released from his shackles and beginning the slow rise to equality. The face of the African American man represents that of a real person, Archer Alexander. Frederick Douglass was the keynote speaker at the 1876 dedication, which was also attended by President Ulysses S. Grant. Importantly, the funding of the statue was solely provided by freedmen (and women), with the first $5 donated by former slave Charlotte Scott of Virginia. While they didn’t have a say in the final design, the statue represents the efforts of African Americans to commemorate their emancipation from centuries of forced servitude.

Much of the controversy stems from the positioning of the figures, in particular the apparent subservient position of Archer Alexander. The original concept of Lincoln freeing the slaves and the depiction of now formerly enslaved men to rise seems to have been lost from current understanding. Another problem with today’s interpretation is the tendency to cherry pick from Frederick Douglass’s dedication speech, a wonderful oratory that delved into the complex relationships between Lincoln, Grant, former slaves, and the continuing struggle for equality. As the statue was being dedicated, so too was the Reconstruction period coming to an end. Whereas Reconstruction had guaranteed the rights of African Americans, the Jim Crow era that arose in response sought to destroy those rights. As W.E.B. Dubois said, “the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.” Alas, our long history of systemic racism continues to this day.

Emancipation Memorial

As we celebrate Juneteenth 2020 we are again faced with the realization that racism and inequality are not an artifact of the past; they are a fact of reality today. This again offers us an opportunity to better understand our history, and use that understanding to, as Lincoln said, save “our last best hope of earth.”

As an Abraham Lincoln scholar, I hope that everyone interested in this statue and its ultimate fate spend the time to learn about its history and meaning. Likewise, we have a unique opportunity to learn about the importance of Juneteenth, not just to African Americans, but to the history of all Americans.

Happy Juneteenth!

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Lincoln in Australia – Wiegers Calendar June

Abraham Lincoln AustraliaAbraham Lincoln is in Australia! Well, maybe. It’s complicated.

The June photo in David Wiegers’s calendar is of a statue of Lincoln that supposedly stood in Melbourne, Australia. He adds a parenthetical notation – (Missing). And missing it is. Very missing. What little I’ve been able to find suggests the statue was built of white marble and installed about the time Centennial Park opened in 1888. The photo matches David’s photo. Except for one detail – Centennial Park is in Sydney, not Melbourne, Australia.

Lincoln was joined by about thirty other statues, all commissioned by New South Wales Premier Sir Henry Parkes, who some liken to Lincoln in style and ability. Among the statues was “British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, US President James Garfield, and figures representing the four seasons, commerce, science, the arts and architecture.” Then in the 1970s all the statues were removed for restoration. Neglected for decades, many of the statues were in poor condition. Poor Lincoln was missing a nose, thumb, and part of his coat. Unfortunately, most of the statues, including Lincoln, never made it back into the park and no one seems to know what happened to them. Only about ten have been accounted for, although apparently none of them was reinstalled in the park.

In 2017 I had the good fortune to visit both Sydney and Melbourne (as well as Cairns and Uluru). The closest thing to a Lincoln memorial in Melbourne is The Lincoln, a hotel and pub that may or may not be as missing as the Lincoln statue (its website link doesn’t seem to be working). I did, however, get to see the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium and tour out of town to gaze upon the famous “12 Apostles” rock formations on the southern coast. The scientist in me noted that there was nearby FitzRoy Gardens (named after the captain of the Beagle, the ship that carried Darwin around the world) and the Cook’s Cottage, named after world traveler Captain Cook. Lincoln may be lost, but science is everywhere.

Sydney Opera House

In Sydney I was able to visit all the famous landmarks: Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Bondi Beach, and much more. I didn’t visit Centennial Park (there’s no Lincoln statue there anymore, remember), but did experience aboriginal culture and ventured out into the Blue Mountains. Of course, I also visited Sydney’s Aquarium. Absolutely beautiful.

Abraham Lincoln may be missing from Australia, but at least I got to experience much of the nation-continent. I also visited New Zealand. Given the distance and time necessary to make the trip, I may not get there again. That is, unless they find the Lincoln statue. Then I’m hopping a plane to see it.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!


A Brief History of Systemic Racism in America

The Soiling of Old Glory by Stanley FormanEmmett Till, a 14-year-old African American falsely accused of flirting with a white woman, was lynched in 1955. George Floyd died under the knee of a police officer in 2020. Together, and with thousands of other examples and millions of cases, the long history of systemic racism continues in America. To provide some background, what follows is a brief outline of the history of systemic racism and discrimination in the United States.

White Lion, 1619: Jamestown, the first permanent settlement of white Europeans on the continent that would become America, was visited by a privateer sailing ship called the White Lion. On board were several dozen Africans stolen from a Spanish slave ship San Juan Bautista, headed for Veracruz, New Spain (now part of Mexico). Some of the Africans were traded by the White Lion crew for food at Virginia Colony’s Point Comfort. Slavery had come to America.

U.S. Declaration of Independence, 1776: When Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, it originally had a clause attacking slavery as something forced on the American colonies by the British rulers and an antithesis to the Declaration’s concept of “all men are created equal.” The clause was removed during debate as southern slaveholding states in conjunction with their northern merchant partners refused to agree.

U.S. Constitution, 1789: After several years under the wholly ineffective Articles of Confederation, delegates began working on a new constitution in 1787. The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788 and took effect March 4, 1789 with George Washington as the nation’s first president. Delegates engaged in significant debate about slavery, again with South Carolina and other southern states working with northern merchants to void any sections that would have eliminated slavery. Forced to compromise to get all the existing states to agree, the Constitution tacitly acknowledges the presence of slavery, although they took great pains to avoid using the words “slave” or “slavery” in the text, relying on euphemisms like “all other persons.” Article 1, Section 2 allows slaveholding states to count “three fifths of all other persons” (i.e., enslaved people) for purposes of determining the number of representatives in Congress. Article 1, Section 9 prohibits Congress from banning the “migration or importation of such persons” (i.e., the international slave trade) for 20 years. Article 4, Section 2 dictates that any “person held to labour or service” (i.e. slaves) in one state that escapes to another still remains a slave and must be returned. Thus, the Constitution, while many members wanted to eliminate slavery, tacitly acknowledges its continued presence.

Abolition of International Slave Trade, 1808: As noted above, the Constitution did not allow the end of the international slave trade for twenty years after the Constitution was ratified. In 1807, Congress, including some southern slaveholding states, voted to abolish the slave trade, effective January 1, 1808. Congress had already banned slavery in the northwest territories via the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (a few months prior to the Constitution). While slavery still existed, there were actions taken in an attempt to encourage its demise.

Antebellum Period, 1789-1860: Many of the founders believed that slavery was on a path to its “ultimate extinction.” The formal end of the international slave trade, the banning of slavery in the territories, and the gradual elimination of slavery in the northern states seemed to signal that end. However, Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin made it more profitable to grow cotton in the South. As smaller farms were bought up by rich plantation owners, more acreage was planted, thus requiring more enslaved people for labor. In addition, the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 doubled the land area available for expansion. The Mexican War in 1847 again enlarged the nation by a third, now essentially making the United States a coast-to-coast nation. As these territories formed into states, they provided potential new plantations, but more importantly, new slaveholding power in Congress. A series of compromises attempted to deal with “the slavery question” inherent in this western expansion. All of these compromises provided continued power to slave states, which simultaneously threatened to secede if new power was not extended to them. As slavery expanded, it became more and more likely that a peaceful resolution of the slavery issue was not possible.

Civil War, 1861-1865: Led by South Carolina, the southern slaveholding states seceded from the Union, claiming that the election of “Black Republican” Abraham Lincoln was an attack on slavery despite Lincoln’s insistence (and the 1860 Republican platform) that no attempt would be made to ban slavery from those states in which it existed. In fact, Lincoln and most Republicans believed that the Constitution barred federal authorities from abolishing slavery. As had occurred with all the northern states that enacted state legislation to remove slavery, Lincoln and Congress knew that it was up to the individual southern states to choose to do the same. And yet the war came. In the midst of the war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a war measure, knowing that it had authority only during a time of insurrection and would become moot once the war ended. All of the southern states stated that slavery was the cause of their secession and the war, and that they believed that whites were superior to blacks, and that this was the natural order of things. John C. Calhoun had declared a decade earlier that the highest form of civilization was a chain of hierarchy from master to slave, and that slavery was “a positive good.” Alexander Stephens, former Congressman and newly elected as the Confederate Vice President, declared in his “Cornerstone” speech that the Confederacy was born of the belief that the nation’s “foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery – subordination to the superior race – is his natural and normal condition.” White supremacy and racism was officially codified.

13th, 14th, 15th Amendments, 1865-1870: Lincoln understood that the Emancipation Proclamation was a temporary measure and immediately began lobbying Congress to pass the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. As anyone who has seen Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln movie knows, Lincoln forcefully pushed for passage of an amendment to forever ban slavery from the United States. After his assassination, the 14th Amendment provided for citizenship and equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the United States. The 15th Amendment declared that no citizen shall be denied the right to vote “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” These amendments were an attempt to protect the rights of formerly enslaved people, free blacks, and all American citizens.

Reconstruction, 1863-1877: Even before the war was over, Lincoln began the process of reconstructing the United States by defining the conditions under which the former Confederate states could be brought back into the Union. States that had been entirely or partially reclaimed by Union forces (e.g., Louisiana) were supported in their efforts to reestablish themselves. Following the war, states had to acknowledge the sovereignty of the federal authority and ratify the 13th amendment. Free and formerly enslaved African Americans were protected under the three reconstruction amendments, began work and education to allow them to exist as free men and women, eagerly embraced their right to vote, and ran for local, state, and national office. Unfortunately, over time the North lost interest in protecting their rights (the South showed no interest from the beginning) and those rights slowly eroded away. As W.E.B. Dubois put it, “the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery.”

Jim Crow/Segregation/White Supremacy, 1877-1965: As the rights supposedly guaranteed under Reconstruction faded, white Americans began a system of blatant racism and white supremacy designed to keep black Americans from getting “too uppity.” As under the slave hierarchy, black men and women were treated by individuals, then groups, then by governments as inferior. Several supposedly “Christian” organizations, including the Ku Klux Klan, grew as a means of keeping the black population “in their place.” This was blatant white supremacy and systemic racism enforced through terrorist activities like cross burning and lynching, as well as by unfair “separate but equal” facilities. Black men like Emmett Till were summarily hanged without trial simply for the “crime” of not being subservient enough to white people. Local law enforcement and conservative politicians often were the leaders of the KKK and lynchings were codified into both practice, and in many cases, the law. Separate but equal, which needless to say wasn’t actually equal, became the law of the land, as had slavery once been.

Civil Rights Acts, 1964-1965Through the persistence of African American civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, President John F. Kennedy proposed and Lyndon Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Voting Rights Act of 1865 sought to eliminate the barriers that state and local governments had erected to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote. One hundred years after emancipation and the right to freedom was established, African Americans were still attempting to be treated as equal under the law.

Shelby County v. Holder, 2013: In 2013, the Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court eliminated a key section of the Voting Rights Act that required states with a history of discrimination to get pre-clearance prior to making changes to their voting laws. This provision was necessary because many states (primarily what today we call “red states”) long had used Jim Crow and other laws to keep minorities from voting. Immediately after the Supreme Court eliminated the provision, supposedly because “it was no longer needed,” many states enacted laws that do exactly what the Court had suggested would not happen (which everyone, in fact, knew would happen). States began systematically putting up barriers to voting by minorities, including requiring special IDs while eliminating the local offices in which they could be obtained. Suddenly voting precincts in minority areas were eliminated, forcing voters to travel long distances and wait for many hours in long lines. Precincts in areas dominated by white and affluent voters were expanded. Hundreds of thousands of voters were summarily eliminated from voter rolls in minority-dominant areas. Gerrymandering was expanded to an extreme to ensure Republicans would win more seats even when receiving fewer votes. Systemic racism had joined forces with voter suppression.

Today: George Floyd is the most recent of many high profile cases in which black men and women have been killed as a result of either police action or racist hate crimes. The difference today is that everyone now carries a portable video camera in their smart phone. In many cases we see that the official police report falsely describes the incident, which begs the question as to how much systemic discrimination goes uncaptured on video. In many respects it appears that Jim Crow, segregation, and lynching have returned, and indeed are being encouraged, by the Trump administration. But it goes beyond these overt results of discrimination. African American men and women have been disproportionately imprisoned due to unequal laws, enforcement, and sentencing practices. Employment discrimination increases the risk of poverty. Systemic racism, poverty, and injustice has led to significantly higher risks of death and disease. The list goes on.

The brief history above is given to allow people a better understanding of today’s situation. Protests in the streets are not solely because of the death of one man, or even the many men and women who have died under questionable circumstances. The problem is that this has been going on in one form or another for the entire history of the United States, and before. Whether we admit it or not, racism and discrimination are built into our society. It’s systemic. The only way to fix it is to eliminate it from our societal construct. Redlining, voter suppression, politicians stoking fears of “the other”; all are systemic racism.

Given the attitudes and abuses of the Trump administration and Republican Party leadership, the only solution is to vote. Those protesting (and risking their lives given our current COVID pandemic) need to get to the polls. Voter suppression tactics will try to keep minorities, women, the poor, and others from voting, especially in an election where the coronavirus may limit the ability to vote in-person. All of us must vote. Only by eliminating those who encourage racism, both by individuals and the system, can we make the systemic changes that will ensure that all men and women are treated equally.

[Photo Credit:; Called “The Soiling of Old Glory,” the photo won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize]

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!



Lincoln in England – Wiegers Calendar May

Wiegers Calendar MayAbraham Lincoln is everywhere, including England. In January the Dave Wiegers calendar took me back to Edinburgh, Scotland. Now that it is May, I head to Manchester, England for the first time to see a statue I’ve already seen.

Yes, you heard that right. I’ve never been to Manchester but I’ve seen the statue. Wait, that isn’t true. I have been to Manchester, or at least the airport. In 2005 I was returning to the United States after living and working for three months in Edinburgh. My flight first went to Manchester where I caught a connecting flight back to Washington, DC. My layover in the Manchester airport was anything but smooth. I had several hours to wait between flights, and if I recall correctly, the airport wasn’t such a great place to bide your time for long.

And then there was the taser incident.

As I waited, suddenly the airport went into a lockdown. A man was on the tarmac with a bomb in his briefcase, the spreading rumor said. They closed Terminal 1 (guess which terminal my flight was supposed to fly out of). There was no official announcement of why we were being held out of the terminal, although we could see news coverage on the television screens in the waiting area. Airport security chased a man carrying a briefcase, finally catching up to him a stone’s throw from the gate I now wondered if I would ever see. They tasered the guy, took him into custody, and carried out a controlled explosion of his briefcase, only to find there was no bomb. I never found out what happened to the man, but he was more psychologically distraught than any real danger. Eventually they let us back to the terminal and I made it home.

The incident was even more stressful when you remember that 2005 was also the year of the London terrorist explosions that killed 52 people and injured 700 others a few months before. The very day I was arriving in Edinburgh, the bombs went off in the London Tube stations and a bus. Also that very day, President George W. Bush arrived in Edinburgh for a G8 summit. It was a very anxious summer. [A few years later, on my first trip to Rome from my new home in Brussels, I got stuck in traffic caused by the arrival of the very same President Bush. I was starting to feel like he was stalking me; I had left Washington DC to get away from the politics, but here he was seemingly following me around the world.]

But let’s get back to the Lincoln statue. George Grey Barnard designed the statue, which was intended to be displayed in London. But London hated it. Robert Lincoln hated it. Most people, yup, hated it. The UK refused to erect it in London. Some called it the “belly ache Lincoln” because it appears to show him holding his stomach. The original statue actually stands in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is where I saw it a year ago. He is depicted as a working man’s Abe, with large hands wrecked by a life of labor and large feet seemingly more at home in the farm fields than the law and political offices he later held. For some in Cincinnati the statue is an eyesore, but most see it as a source of pride.

Lincoln statue Cincinnati

Meanwhile, back in England, with London out of the running (they would get a copy of a different statue), the city of Manchester said “Bring it here.” Manchester was happy to have it because Lincoln in January 1863 had written a letter to “The Workingmen of Manchester, England” in thanks for their support of the Union efforts and in acknowledgement of the strains of the workingmen in England and elsewhere in Europe.

I know and deeply deplore the sufferings which the workingmen at Manchester and in all Europe are called to endure in this crisis.

The people of Manchester never forgot Lincoln’s support. And so the statue nobody wanted was ensconced in Manchester. And there is remains, pensively, if not somewhat painfully, watching over visitors and working men and women in Lincoln Park.

[Photos: Calendar – David Wiegers; Lincoln statue in Cincinnati – Me, on a very rainy day]

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!


Abraham Lincoln Begins Law Partnership with Stephen T. Logan

Abraham Lincoln PeoriaOn May 14, 1841, Abraham Lincoln’s law partnership dissolved when his mentor John T. Stuart was reelected to Congress. Lincoln immediately entered into a new partnership with Stephan T. Logan, the man who had assured his moral fortitude and “good character” when he first became a lawyer.

Logan had recently disbanded his partnership with Edward D. Baker, the man after whom Lincoln would later name his second son. Looking for someone as eloquent as Baker to complement his own more intellectual reticence, Logan saw a perfect opportunity with Lincoln. Logan was nine years older than Lincoln, and had established himself as a preeminent attorney in Sangamon County after being equally respected in his native Kentucky. He was serving as a judge in the circuit court when he vouched for Lincoln, but grew dissatisfied with the meager pay and returned to private practice. He saw in Lincoln someone who would be “exceedingly useful to me in getting the good will of the juries,” the one area where Logan was weaker because of his cracking voice and peevish demeanor.

It was a good match for Lincoln, too. Logan had a sharp analytical mind and a command of legal precedents and technicalities. In contrast, while adept at working a jury, Lincoln was rather lazy in his study of the finer points of the law. Like Lincoln, Logan was not overly concerned about his physical appearance; he was more likely to be leaning back in his chair, “his hair standing nine ways from Sunday, while his clothing was more like that worn by a woodchopper than anybody else.”

Lincoln continued doing mostly debt collection cases, but he now received only one-third of the money paid to the firm, as Logan had a less egalitarian profit-sharing policy. But whereas Stuart was largely absentee, Lincoln learned a great deal about the business of the law from Logan. Most critically, he began to understand the importance of detailed case research and preparation. Lincoln was inherently logical in thinking, but Logan taught him to write more precise and succinct case readings. Gone was the flowery language so common in that age; instead he learned to break down the case into its critical components. Under Logan he learned to search out precedents and watch for technical aspects that could be used in his clients’ favor. He still avoided thorough reading of law books—William Herndon would later say that he “never knew him to read through and through any law book of any kind”—but he did “love to dig up the question by the roots and hold it up and dry it before the fires of the mind.”

The firm of Logan and Lincoln was dissolved in 1844, when Logan decided to go into practice with his son. Now an experienced country lawyer, Lincoln decided it was time he became senior partner. Enter William H. Herndon.

[Adapted from my book, Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America]

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Abraham Lincoln and the Ironclads Monitor and Merrimack/Virginia

Abraham Lincoln had a particular affinity for ironclads, and today would bring him closer to both the Union ironclad Monitor and the CSS ironclad Virginia (formerly the Merrimack). On May 5, 1862, Lincoln, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase, and other dignitaries set sail on the revenue cutter Miami. Their destination – destiny.

The day began with a visit from Lieutenant John Worden. Worden was recuperating after receiving wounds while commanding the Monitor against the Virginia at Hampton Roads in early March. The “battle of the ironclads” changed the Navy forever, as it became clear the old wooden sailing ships would not be able to withstand an onslaught from largely unassailable iron vessels. Worden had been in the pilot house of the Monitor when a shell from the Virginia struck, temporarily blinded as the two ships battled to a draw. Still with impaired eyesight (he would eventually recover), Worden stopped by to brief President Lincoln at the White House; tomorrow he would visit the Capitol.

USS Monitor deck


That evening Lincoln would be headed for Fort Monroe on the Miami. With driving rain and stormy seas, even Lincoln, who had spent much time on the waters as a flatboatman and river pilot, felt ill and unable to eat, according to Chase, who suffered the same fate. During their trip they stopped off to tour the eponymously-named ocean steamer provided to the navy by wealthy magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt. After arriving at Fort Monroe they sailed out into Hampton Roads and toured the Monitor, now improved with a new steam pump and engines in preparation for their next encounter with the Virginia. According to the Monitor‘s paymaster, William Keeler, Lincoln “examined these vessels with much care, making the most detailed inquiries as to their construction and operation.” He would have seen the dented turret made by the Virginia‘s cannonballs, along with the rebuilt and modified pilothouse where Lt. Worden had been injured.

As the week progressed, Lincoln would get close enough to see the Virginia sitting off Craney Island. The stage was set for another Monitor/Virginia battle, a battle that would never take place, in part due to Lincoln’s actions. In his book Lincoln Takes Command, Steve Norder describes how Lincoln served as his own commanding general in Hampton Roads, directing and pushing for the taking of Norfolk and the Gosport Navy Yard in nearby Portsmouth. He even guided a landing party on Confederate-held soil in search of a spot for the Union Army to make their trek into the city as it was being abandoned by the Confederates.

CSS Virginia

Meanwhile, all this activity being directed by Lincoln created problems for the CSS Virginia. Unwilling to take on the Monitor and its supporting ships, the Virginia‘s commander began preparations to run the ship up into the James River. Unfortunately, removing ballast to reduce how low the ship sat in the water made the Virginia neither capable of moving into shallower water nor in a position to fight its way out to the sea. Facing an unfathomable situation, commander Josiah Tattnall opted to save his crew for the future and destroy the Virginia to keep it out of Union hands. Lincoln and others could see the burning hulk from the Monitor and Fort Monroe. The Confederacy’s first ironclad was no more.

As they made their way back to Washington on the USS Baltimore, Secretary Chase wrote his daughter:

“So ended a brilliant week’s campaign of the President,” Chase wrote. He was “quite certain that if he [Lincoln] had not come down, Norfolk would still have been in the possession of the enemy & the Merrimac as grim & defiant & as much a terror as ever.”

This was the only case of a sitting president taking active command of troops in the field during a time of war. By the time Lincoln had returned to the Washington Navy Yard on May 12th, news of the capture of Norfolk and the destruction of the Virginia had already reached the city. Lincoln was greeted as a conquering hero. The Monitor never did get its second encounter with the Virginia, and it too would find a watery grave not long after in a storm. But the age of wooden sailing ships was over. The age of iron ships had begun.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!


Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Weatherman

Weather played a large role in the Civil War. Cold and rain and mud made military movements nearly impossible much of the time, and the woolen uniforms became unbearable in the heat of the summer. A talented weatherman would be invaluable. Since Abraham Lincoln was a magnet for every self-avowed inventor and expert, one man claiming to be a “Certified Practical Meteorologist & Expert in Computing the Changes of the Weather” reached out to “His Excellency, The President.”

Capen weather letter

Francis L. Capen wrote to Lincoln on April 25, 1863. “It would give me great pleasure,” Capen wrote, “to assure you of the fine weather suitable for a visit to the front or for starting an Expedition fraught with momentous interests to the Country….” Offering his services, Capen added, “Please refer me, favorably to the War Department. I will guarantee to furnish Meteorological information that will save many a serious sacrifice.” To nail down his point further, Capen enclosed his calling card, on which he wrote:

Thousands of lives & millions of dollars may be save by the application of Science to the War.

Lincoln was intrigued. Joseph Henry, the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and Lincoln’s unofficial science adviser, had set up a network of weather reporters across the country, but the Civil War put that system on hold for the duration. Having access to a professional meteorologist could provide a much needed advantage to the floundering war effort.  Lincoln invited Capen to visit the White House for what effectively was a job interview. After the meeting, however, Lincoln was less than impressed.

Capen weather Lincoln response

On the back of Capen’s original letter Lincoln vented:

It seems to me Mr. Capen knows nothing about the weather, in advance. He told me three days ago that it would not rain again till the 30th of April or 1st of May. It is raining now & has been for ten hours – I can not spare any more time to Mr. Capen. A. Lincoln

So much for having a professional meteorologist helping the war effort.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!