John Elliff – Abraham Lincoln Scholar

John ElliffIt is with deep regret that I mark the sudden passing of John Elliff. John was an Abraham Lincoln scholar and in many ways my mentor in the Lincoln field.

I first met John only in January 2012 but I feel I’ve known him much longer. I was attending my first meeting as a new member of the Lincoln Group of DC and John was one of the first people I met. I fondly recall him standing up to announce that he was reading Bill O’Reilly’s then new book Killing Lincoln “so we don’t have to.” [The book is poorly researched and contains many factual errors] In that one sentence, John displayed both his intellectual fortitude and his good humor.

As the years have passed since then it was John who encouraged me to become more active in the Lincoln Group of DC. I joined the Lincoln Group’s book discussion club because of John, and it was John’s inspiration that led to me becoming a member of the Lincoln Group board. Through these years I marveled at John’s incredible command of facts, understanding, and insight into Abraham Lincoln’s life. No matter what aspect of Lincoln we were discussing we could always count on John to have knowledge that would expand our understanding. I looked up to John’s leadership and I knew that everyone else in the group did as well.

John was also a leader in other Lincoln groups as a board member of the Abraham Lincoln Association based in his native Illinois, the Lincoln Forum, the Illinois State Society, and as a volunteer docent at Ford’s Theatre. He was a dominant presence at our monthly Lincoln Group of DC book club and only a few months ago finished his two-year term as President of the Lincoln Group of DC after many years in other leadership roles. All the while he was, as fellow friend and Lincoln scholar Bob Willard noted, “Lincolnian in character – honest, smart, hard-working, empathetic, curious.” Everyone in the Lincoln Group of DC appreciated these characteristics. He was a true leader.

My heart reaches out to John’s family, especially to Linda, whom I’ve known and cherished since that first day I met John. I am a better person and Lincoln scholar because of John Elliff. May he rest in peace and the knowledge that he has inspired so many others. He is, and will always be, deeply missed.

The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, people consider making a donation to the Lincoln Group of DC.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!


Den Blå Planet, Copenhagen Aquarium – My 50th Aquarium

Den Blå Planet, Copenhagen AquariumWherever I science travel in the world I look for aquariumsDen Blå Planet (The Blue Planet) now has the distinction of being the 50th aquarium I’ve visited in the world. [Check out the other 49 here] Located in Kastrup, a suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark, and also known as the Denmark National Aquarium, it’s the largest aquarium in northern Europe.

It’s a rather new aquarium, opening in 2013. So new that when I spent several days in Copenhagen in 2015 I missed its very existence. The aquarium is out of Copenhagen central a bit, not far from the airport. Getting there requires either driving or taking the Metro system with a walk at the end. Most visitors won’t have a car and the nearest Metro station is often not convenient so the aquarium has a free bus that leaves from near the central train station.

The aquarium’s most unique feature is its architecture. Viewed from above, the building creates a whirlpool effect, although unfortunately this grand effect is lost on most visitors as from the ground all you see is a sweeping stainless steel wing curving away from the entrance. Inside, the aquarium uses modern touchscreen displays that highlight the habitats and fish in the tanks. Touch a specific fish and the screen expands to give its life history. These interactive displays enhance the learning experience and can be viewed in Danish or English.

There are five main sections covering major biomes: Rainforest, African Great Lakes, Cold Water, Warm Water, and Evolution and Adaptation.

As has become common with newer aquariums, Den Blå Planet has a huge glass wall through which you can see into the main tank. Otherwise, most of the tanks are rather pedestrian with no clear specialty. Having seen so many aquariums I’ve noticed that most have some unique appeal that sets it apart. This aquarium seemed not to have anything that would qualify other than the external architecture. One might argue that an exception is the section on species from Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria in Africa, but even here the focus was on cichlid species that are the mainstay of virtually every aquarium. I didn’t see any jellyfish displays. There are none of the larger sea mammals like whales and dolphins, which have fallen out of favor because living conditions are generally not sufficient. They did, however, have one cute sea otter lolling in a small outside area and munching on ice cubes.

It took us only an hour or so to go through the entire building. There were plenty of children’s groups swarming the displays, which is both a positive (it shows the aquarium’s educational value) and a negative (loud and crowded). Overall, however, I found Den Blå Planet to be a nice aquarium and worth the visit. Take the free bus from city center to maximize the value. 

See here for links to other aquariums I’ve profiled.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Chasing Abraham Lincoln is now on YouTube

Abraham Lincoln is everywhere it seems. And now he’s on YouTube.

For those that follow me on my Facebook author page, I posted a series of videos from my recent Chasing Abraham Lincoln tour of Illinois. At each of the seven Lincoln-Douglas debate sites I showed the monument – usually some sort of statue of the two debaters – and talked a little about the history of the site and the debates. Here’s just one example:

In addition to the seven debate sites I did a few other videos. I’ll be posting additional videos from this and past trips, plus will be creating “on the road” videos on future tours. In the future I’ll also be producing a series of videocasts on Abraham Lincoln-related topics; the intention is to create an informative and entertaining series on Lincoln’s life and the lessons we can learn from him.

So bookmark and/or subscribe to the YouTube page and check back periodically for new videos. Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.



Rockport, Indiana – Where Lincoln Began His Flatboat Trips to New Orleans

In my last Chasing Abraham Lincoln post I checked in on the Lincoln’s arrival in Indiana at Sandy Creek Landing (now Grandview). Today I’ll move on to nearby Rockport, Indiana, where Lincoln began his first flatboat trip to New Orleans.

I was looking for the rock and plaque that I knew marked the spot but had no idea how to find it. As I’ve discovered during my travels, a good place to start is often the local public library. I found more than I expected at the Spencer County Public Library main branch in downtown Rockport. After meeting all of the four delightful women working the desk and genealogy departments, I spent two hours pouring through their Lincoln collection materials. I found many books and pamphlets I hadn’t known about, and photographed quite a few documents useful for my research. I even purchased a small booklet written in the 1930s that describes Sandy Creek Landing and the Lincolns. Then they showed me how to find the monument, which was only a few blocks away (not surprisingly since Rockport is tiny, harboring a population less than 2,500).

The monument commemorates one of Lincoln’s most interesting (to me) achievements – his first flatboat trip down to New Orleans – which started here in Rockport. Hooking up with Allen Gentry soon after the devastating death of his sister Sarah, Lincoln helped build the flatboat, loaded it with corn, pork, potatoes, hay, apples, and other commodities, then traveled 1,200 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to sell their wares. While in New Orleans he was introduced to the issue that would dominate much of his later political life – slavery.

Also in Rockport is something called the Lincoln Pioneer Village and Museum. Like most artifacts of Lincoln’s life, this isn’t the original; it was built as part of Roosevelt’s “New Deal” programs in the 1930s, then renovated in the 1980s and was undergoing yet another partial renovation while I was there. The Village had opened for the season only the week before so the guy working it seemed a bit shocked to see me walk though the front door. He had grown up in Rockport and was excited to get a job curating the small museum of pioneer life.

As I walked around the village alone I stopped to watch some workers recreating a couple of the log cabins. At one point they began moving furniture back into the “Lincoln cabin” representing what the Lincoln family lived in when they had moved into the country from Kentucky. Around this time the curator came running out to ask if I wanted to see an old hearse that had been used in the 1955 movie The Kentuckian, starring Burt Lancaster, that had been filmed in part in the Village. He was so excited that I of course said yes. Unlocking a building that was temporarily being used for storage during the renovations, he led me into a dark, dusty corner where the hearse stood. He told me about the movie and how the town was honored and thrilled to have Lancaster and up-and-coming star Walter Matthau in their midst.

I rummaged around the rest of the Village, checking out the period furniture in a variety of log cabins. Some were single room, others a kind of duplex with a central porch, and still others set up as law offices, school houses, and inns. A replica of the Little Pigeon Creek Baptist Church was undergoing renovation but could be seen from the outside. The “Gentry Mansion” showed how the Gentry’s were the most prosperous family in the neighborhood (keeping in mind that “mansion” is a relative term).

Overall this was a nice glimpse into the life of pioneer villagers of Lincoln’s time. And of course the science traveler in me was thrilled to see the area where Lincoln and Allen Gentry began their flatboat touring. As I continued my tour I would see more of the frontier life during Lincoln’s most formative years in Indiana. More on that in future posts.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

2018-2019 Travel Preview (and Mini-Recap)

David J. KentUsually I do a Travel Preview post in early January. I skipped the preview in January 2018 because I suspected my “travel year” would shift…and it did. Thus, this travel preview covers 2018-2019, roughly mid-year to mid-year.

That’s not to say that I’ve been homebound. In January we flew down to Ft. Myers, FL for a long weekend touring Sanibel Island, checking out Thomas Edison’s winter retreat, and notching my 49th aquarium at the Mote Marine Lab in Sarasota (my 50th came last month in Copenhagen). February was spent doing local trips, mostly Abraham Lincoln oriented. March I drove down to Newport News for the annual “Battle of Hampton Roads” weekend. April I made an unplanned trip to Massachusetts when my Dad went into the hospital, as well as a quick drive to Fredericksburg for a CPRC conference. In May I did Part 1 of my “Chasing Abraham Lincoln” tour through Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan. And then there were scads of local Lincoln Group of DC-related events, including a Lincoln-Douglas-Douglass debate at the National Archives (check the link for this once-in-a-lifetime event).

But now the fun begins. In early July Ru took a year off from her job with the goal of exploring more of the world. We began by flying to Copenhagen in late June and spent two weeks cruising around the Baltic Sea on a relatively intimate yacht of only 200 passengers, many of whom we came to know quite well. Stops included the Danish island of Bornholm, the Polish city of Gdansk (where the end of communist USSR began), the Curonian peninsula of Lithuania, the gorgeous old Estonian city of Tallinn, and then spent two days (ironically, the 4th of July) in St. Petersburg, Russia. From there we stopped in Finland’s capital Helsinki (where I had been several times when I lived in Brussels) and the oddly confusing but beautiful Finnish/Swedish Mariehamn in the Aland Islands (technically they belong to Finland, but speak Swedish, and have an autonomous government; you figure it out). The end in Stockholm was bitter-sweet.

Two days back from that trip, Ru flew to Beijing for a month, with side trips to Shanghai and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, I did Part 2 of my Chasing Abraham Lincoln tour, this time a 2905+ mile drive to, from, and around Illinois. My three main goals were to see: 1) the seven Lincoln-Douglas debate sites (plus a live debate between Lincoln [George Buss] and Douglas [Tim Connors]); 2) Rock Island, where a famous Lincoln court case involving a steamboat and a railroad bridge took place; and 3) the Illinois and Michigan Canal area, a key internal improvement project promoted by Lincoln. All these are research for my forthcoming book. Along the way I stopped in tons of tiny towns boasting some connection to Lincoln, all with the requisite Lincoln statue.

Next up is a road trip to Massachusetts and Maine to visit family in August, a September road trip from Crater Lake in Oregon to Glacier National Park in Montana, a trip to Gettysburg for the annual Lincoln Forum meeting followed by another road trip to Massachusetts for Thanksgiving. We’ll likely squeeze in some shorter trips to New York City, Chicago, Charleston (SC), Richmond, and other locations that don’t take too much planning.

Immediately after Thanksgiving we’ll fly to Hong Kong to board the sister of our Baltic yacht, which will take us around several Philippine islands, then to the two parts of Malaysia on Borneo, a day in Brunei, then end in Singapore. Since we’ve now both been to Hong Kong (separately), we’ll focus a few days of extra time on Singapore and probably a trip up to Kuala Lumpur. Who knows, maybe we’ll get to Indonesia while we’re there.

Into 2019 the plans are still fuzzy, but in the works are possible trips to Antarctica, Galapagos Islands, Rio, Machu Picchu, Costa Rica, and more. One relatively sure thing is a month in Paris – the plan is to rent an apartment in the spring so I can do research on a yet another book in the works, with side trips to Brussels, Lyon, Lille, and perhaps other European locales. A friend just mentioned that her family is going to Iceland next month, and since Iceland is on my “must-see” list, it’s a good bet we’ll try to get there in 2019. We also had to pass on a September trip to Petra, so I’m hopeful we can squeeze that visit in within the next year or two along with Egypt, Israel, and environs. And then there is the long-awaited African safari we’ll try to coordinate with my brother and his wife.

I’ve been to over 50 countries (depending on how you count), but there are still so many places I want to see. So many cultures, so little time (and money).

Of course, I’m also working on several books and I’ve yet to figure out how to write productively while traveling. I did have a productive writing and editing day on the Baltic trip during our one day at sea (i.e., not in a port). The December trip is longer and includes four individual days at sea, so there is some hope. But I’m going to have to be more efficient with my writing time (including the time used to write this preview).

Which is what I’ll do right now, as soon as the washer repairman finishes diagnosing my temperamental machine. At least I got this post written while he worked.

Go to the main blog and scroll up and down to see posts on the Baltic, Chasing Abraham Lincoln, and other trips as they happen (or happened). Or keyword search at the top of the page for specific locations and evens. You should also go to Ru’s blog to see how she is documenting her year of discovery.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!



Monuments to the seven Lincoln-Douglas debates

It’s been a busy week. With over 2900 miles covered, I’ve seen dozens of Abraham Lincoln statues throughout the state of Illinois. Here’s a sampling of the seven Lincoln-Douglas debate monuments. I’ll have more when I return.


David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Chasing Abraham Lincoln, Part 2

Lincoln Douglas debateNow that I’ve recovered (not) from my recent overseas trip, I’m off on the second part of my Chasing Abraham Lincoln road trip. This part takes me into Illinois, the Land of Lincoln. For stories and photos from Part 1, click on Chasing Abraham Lincoln and scroll down for more.

Once again I’m driving there and back again from the Washington DC area. The first day of driving will take me on much the same route I took at the beginning of Part 1. This time I’ll stop at the Virginia Museum of the Civil War, which I waved to from the highway the first time. By the end of the day I should be somewhere around Knoxville, Tennessee. The next day I’ll make the rest of the trip to Jonesboro, Illinois. And then the fun begins.

Jonesboro was one of the seven sites for the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates. I’ll hit all seven sites on this road trip. All have some sort of statue or two commemorating the event. Some like Charleston have more extensive museums. As I zigzag around the state, I’ll stop at many little towns that have some connection to Lincoln, and thus have some sort of statue to draw in tourists. I’m looking forward to the statue of Lincoln with the pig. Another has him all set to fight the Black Hawk war. Then there is the giant pair of statues 30 feet high in full color where a dapper Lincoln appears to be giving directions to a Perry Como-like tourist. There are many more, all with their particular style and viewpoint. And of course, I’ll visit the statues and other monuments in Kent, IL.

I won’t be stopping in Springfield or the city of Lincoln (complete with a statue of a watermelon) on this trip as I saw them a couple of years ago. I’ll have enough on my plate, as two fellow Lincoln aficionados raised in Illinois were quick to tell me today when I showed them my map. I won’t even be going to Chicago itself (though I’ll be on its outskirts); that will be a separate trip where I fly in for a few days.

Besides the debate sites and the miscellaneous statues I have two other focused locations I am specifically targeting. One is Rock Island (Illinois) and Davenport (Iowa) right across the river. This is the spot where the famous Effie Afton case occurred. The Effie Afton was a steamboat that accidentally on purpose ran into the newly built railroad bridge crossing the Mississippi River. The steamboat caught fire and both it and the bridge were severely damaged. Afterwards, the steamboat company sued the railroads for putting up an obstruction. I won’t give away the ending, but Lincoln played a key role in the lawsuit. A large statue was added to the Iowa side of the river just a few years ago.

The second targeted area is the Illinois and Michigan Canal towns. As part of its internal improvement program, the state legislature agreed to fund many infrastructure projects, including a canal from Lake Michigan in Chicago to the beginning of navigable Illinois River. Doing so would increase commerce by connecting the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River and the Gulf. In large part the I&M Canal is why Chicago grew from a tiny village to a thriving metropolis so fast. Lincoln played a large role in making the canal happen. Today there are few parts that still exist, but several towns along the route have canal-related activities and monuments.

I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to join in a special Lincoln-Douglas debate reenactment in Freeport. George Buss and Tim Connors play Lincoln and Douglas and will perform a unique variation on the debates while I’m there. I’ve known George for many years and met Tim earlier this year when they did their debate at the National Archives in Washington, DC. I’m looking forward to seeing them again.

I’ll post as much as I can from the road, so stay tuned to this spot for updates.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Roskilde…The Other Copenhagen

Roskilde, DenmarkI’ve been to Copenhagen before (see my “Spiraling Upward in Copenhagen“), so on this short visit I decided to head out of town to Roskilde. Only thirty minutes by train, Roskilde could be considered a suburb – the other Copenhagen – but it’s like day and night in comparison.

Whereas Copenhagen is bustling (my earlier trip included getting trapped by the mass of runners in the annual 26-mile marathon), Roskilde is relaxed and touristy. And yet it has its share of excitement, hosting an annual rock festival on the outskirts of town. That’s rock as in music, not geology, by the way.

Roskilde, Denmark city hall

On this day we walked down the main pedestrian street, the kind you should expect in a town whose history goes back to the Viking era. I’m not a shopper, but if you are, you’ll find many stores of local wares and gifts. At the end of the short street is the main square featuring a small fountain and the large former city hall. On the other side of the square is the entrance to the Roskilde Palace, which was more of a weekend house for rest than a working palace.

Next to the palace is the impressive Roskilde cathedral. Built in the 12th and 13th centuries, the Romanesque church (with its Gothic influence) was the first in all of Scandinavia built of brick. Today it attracts thousands of tourists (for a fee) and houses over three dozen royal tombs as the burial site for Danish monarchs. It’s now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

These are the sort of structures you expect to see in European old towns, but don’t forget to take the pleasant hike downhill through the forested park to the waterfront. Here you’ll find the Viking Ship Museum and Museum Island sitting at the head of the Roskilde Fjord. Inside the museum itself you’ll find the remains of five 11th century Viking ships that were excavated from the fjord in the late 1960s. Apparently scuttled to block the navigation channel, the five ships have been pieced together like jigsaw puzzles with many pieces missing. The island, which you must cross over to reach the museum, includes exhibitions of Viking boat building. Here you can see artisans using hand tools to transform trees into ships. It’s fascinating to watch. Several full-scale ships are on display.

Our visit to Roskilde had a modern day highlight. Directly across the road from the main train station is a small square displaying three huge jars constructed by Danish sculptor Peter Brandes, presented on the cities 1,000th anniversary in 1998. As we walked through the square to start our tour of Roskilde we noticed a crew setting up what appeared to be a huge television screen. Interesting, we thought. I wonder what that is for? On our way back to the station we found out. The square was packed with many hundreds of football (aka, soccer) fans watching the World Cup match between Denmark and France. We arrived in time to see the last two minutes of the match, which ended in a 0-0 tie, enough for both teams to progress to the next stage. [As of this writing, France is into the Finals. They play Croatia for the Cup on July 15, 2018]

Ah, but this unexpected thrill was merely a prelude; another World Cup match (Sweden and Switzerland) would take place the day we were in St. Petersburg. So we got to directly experience World Cup fever twice.

Hopping the train back to Copenhagen, the plan is to see the new Copenhagen Aquarium tomorrow before meeting the yacht that will take us to many interesting ports around the Baltic Sea. More soon.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Random First Photos from Copenhagen, Gdańsk, Klaipeda, and Tallinn

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Abraham Lincoln Moves to Indiana – Ferry Crossing and Grandview

As I continue my tour of Abraham Lincoln’s early life (see Chasing Abraham Lincoln and scroll down for several articles), I follow Lincoln’s path across the river into Indiana. Okay, technically I didn’t follow his exact path because 1) it’s not entirely known for sure where he crossed, and 2) there is no longer a ferry. But soon after driving over the modern bridge I came across Lincoln Ferry Park.

As parks go I can safely say this one appeals mostly to Lincoln buffs. It consists of a small parking lot and a picnic shelter, both of which have seen better days. On the day I arrived the shelter was occupied by a sleeping homeless man and his menacingly large bulldog. Nestled alongside the small Anderson River, a merely creek compared to the massive Ohio River into which it flows, the park offers Lincolnophiles a glimpse at the river where Lincoln once worked as a hired hand to James Taylor. Lincoln did basic farm work, butchered hogs, and operated Taylor’s ferry. It was also here that Lincoln earned his first dollar by rowing two men out to a steamer in the middle of the Ohio River. [It was also his first court case; he was sued by a ferry owner on the Kentucky side. Lincoln won the case.]

Finding a cache of recently dead fish behind a tree, and with the shelter inhabitant waking up to something out of a Stephen King novel, I decided to drive along the river to Grandview. This is where the Lincoln’s actually first touched down in Indiana.

Grandview was simply known as Sandy Creek Landing at the time. Long-term reconstruction of the state road forced me into a long detour, but eventually I found my way to the location. And there it was. Here the seven-year-old Abraham, his sister Sarah, and parents Thomas and Nancy were ferried across from the Kentucky side of the Ohio River to Indiana.

Again, there wasn’t much there. A historical marker on a pole told me this is where they crossed, and that was pretty much it. Today the site is a working boat ramp, but you can get a feel for the width of the Ohio River they had to cross.

From here I was on to Rockport, Indiana, where I met four of the nicest ladies of uncertain age you can imagine. More on that in the next post.

If you missed them, follow this link and scroll down to see previous Chasing Abraham Lincoln articles.

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!