The following is a cross-posting from the Chesapeake-Potomac Regional Chapter of SETAC. Get more information here.
The CPRC SETAC Annual Spring Meeting will be held Friday April 24th, 2015 at the Robinson Nature Center in Columbia, MD
Meeting Agenda (Program & Abstracts)
Registration is $75 for non-members, $60 for professional members, $30 for student non-members and $25 for student members. The fee includes all of the catered food and drink (breakfast, breaks and lunch) and non-member registration includes a complimentary one year CPRC SETAC membership. For driving directions to Robinson Nature Center please follow this link.
To register, please fill out the 2015 Meeting Registration Form (Word) and email it to Payments can be submitted via PayPal (no PayPal account is required, but please add $2 to cover the PayPal fee) by following this link. On the registration form, be sure to indicate if you will be joining us for the Friday evening social from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company. Directions from Robinson Nature Center to Main Street Ellicott City are here.
Area Hotels (pdf)
Keynote Speaker
CPRC SETAC is happy to announce this year’s keynote speaker Mr. James M. Harkins, the Director of Maryland Environmental Service, an independent state agency that operates hundreds of environmental projects including water and wastewater treatment plants, recycling facilities, landfills, and dredged material containment facilities. Jim, a former Harford County Executive, and a two-term member of the Maryland House of Delegates would like to share with you his vast insight and experience tackling environmental issues of our region. Please find Mr. Harkins bio here (pdf).
Saturday Volunteer Opportunity
Please join us for a Conservation Stewardship Activity at Robinson Nature Center (RNC) on Saturday April 25th from 10:00-12:00. Let’s get outdoors to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day, continue conversations from the meeting, and give back to RNC to say thanks for the use of their beautiful meeting space! The activity most likely will be either planting native trees and shrubs or removing invasive plants from the forest. Families and friends are welcome!
If you can join us, please complete the volunteer form (Volunteer Event Solo Application) and bring it with you on the 25th. All tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided. Dress for working outdoors, including closed-toed shoes (no flip-flops or sandals).
The conference will include a full-day technical program with platform and poster presentations. This meeting will bring together professionals from multiple disciplines to present their scientific research and to discuss ongoing and emerging regional issues. Attendance is recommended for environmental professionals and students exploring solutions for environmental health problems, managers and regulators of natural resources, and environmental experts pursuing research and development. We enthusiastically encourage participation of individuals from academia, private industry, and government agencies.
Past CPRC SETAC Annual Spring Meeting attendees have enjoyed a full-day exploring scientific solutions while networking with the region’s top professionals. Everyone was provided with cutting-edge environmental education and offered the opportunity for public outreach through CPRC SETAC sponsored activities. Students were also engaged in mentoring and career guidance. So, save the date (April 24, 2015) and come join us at the Robinson Nature Center for another invigorating professional forum on major environmental issues of the CPRC region and beyond!

The Chesapeake and Potomac Regional Chapter (CPRC) of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a regional chapter of SETAC-North America (NA). CPRC SETAC started in the year 1983. Like the national organization, CPRC SETAC is comprised of a mixture of members working in government, industry, private sector (e.g., consulting) and academic jobs.
I have had the personal privilege of serving as President of CPRC on two separate occasions, plus at various times have been on the Board, Newsletter Editor, Treasurer, Secretary, and general all-around active member. Science Traveler has been a proud Sponsor of CPRC for the last three years.
David J. Kent has been a scientist for over thirty years, is an avid science traveler, and an independent Abraham Lincoln historian. He is the author of Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and the e-book Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time. He is currently writing a book on Thomas Edison.
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