Updates on Nikola Tesla and Me

It has been a busy week for Nikola Tesla and me. Here is a (very) quick run-down of some of the highlights.

Tesla: Wizard of ElectricityThe book is in the mail: I received word today that a few sample copies of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity have been received by my editor. He will be shipping one off to me in the mail, so by this weekend (or early next week at the very latest) I will hold the first copy of my baby book in my hands. We (that would be the royal “we”) are very much excited.


The magazine article is in the mail: Okay, it’s not really in the mail yet since I just got the invitation last night. But I will be providing one of a series of articles for the premier issue of The Tesla Magazine. Planned for July 2013 and thereafter published quarterly in both print and electronic formats, the magazine will be available on Amazon, iTunes and elsewhere. Wardenclyffe will be featured in the first issue, as is rightly so given the enthusiasm over the recent purchase of Tesla’s final laboratory property and the intent to turn it into a museum and science center.

Tesla official posterThe (off) Broadway play is in the mail: I’m stretching the meme here, but bear with me. As previously noted I talked for two hours with the director, writer, and cast members of a new Off-Broadway play called, appropriately enough, TESLA. Opening night is this Friday, May 24th, and yours truly will be there. After the play we’ll jaunt backstage to chat with the cast and then, if I can dig up an “Early 1900s GLAM” suit, join them at the after-party.

Of course, while this week may be Tesla-busy, the next month or two will be super-Tesla-busy. Tesla: Wizard of Electricity is officially published on June 30th and I’ll be attending the Tesla Days events in Philadelphia in time for Tesla’s July 10th birthday. More on Tesla Days when I return (hopefully Live) from New York.

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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Two Life Masks of Abraham Lincoln…And His Hands Too!

A few days ago I posted three views of Abraham Lincoln, a compilation of three photographs I took within the span of a few days in Washington D.C. I’ll have more on the second and third photos soon; for now let’s focus on the first one. The life masks and hands of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.

Back in the day, that is, the middle of the 1800s, sculptors would make a mask of the subjects face and head to later use for busts and full length sculptures. A Chicago-based sculptor named Leonard Volk approached Lincoln in the midst of the famous 1858 Illinois Senate race against Stephen A. Douglas. After two years of lobbying Volk finally convinced Lincoln to sit down in the spring of 1860, not long after Lincoln had returned from the East where he wowed the crowds at Cooper Union and in various cities of New England.

Abraham Lincoln Volk life mask

The casting process, according to Lincoln (and Abraham Lincoln Online), was “anything but agreeable.” Volk himself noted that:

“it was about an hour before the mold was ready to be removed, and being all in one piece, with both ears perfectly taken, it clung pretty hard, as the cheek-bones were higher than the jaws at the lobe of the ear. He bent his head low and took hold of the mold, and gradually worked it off without breaking or injury; it hurt a little, as a few hairs of the tender temples pulled out with the plaster and made his eyes water.”

The hands were actually cast a couple of months later in Lincoln’s Springfield home. Both are shown clasped, but the right hand holds a short piece of wood. Not surprisingly for Lincoln, the wood has a story. Again from Abraham Lincoln Online:

[Volk] wanted Lincoln to hold something in his right hand, so Lincoln produced a broom handle from his wood shed and began whittling the end of it. When Volk told him he didn’t have to smooth the edges Lincoln replied, “I thought I would like to have it nice.” Since Lincoln had been shaking hands in congratulations for getting the Republican nomination for President, Volk noted that “the right hand appeared swollen as compared to the left,” and that “this difference is distinctly shown in the cast.”

Abraham Lincoln hands

Ah, but there is a second life mask. Cast in February 1865, just weeks before the end of the Civil War and Lincoln’s tragic assassination, sculptor Clark Mills applied oil to Lincoln’s face, followed by a thin layer of plaster. Unlike the Volk mask, which came off in one piece, the second life mask fell “off in large pieces” that “were then reassembled to form the finished mask.”

Abraham Lincoln Mills life mask

Just one look at the two masks can show how the war (and illness) wore on the man and his face. The difference is striking, and disheartening.

Volk and Mills masks

I was lucky enough to see the masks and hands in the National Portrait Gallery, one of the Smithsonian’s many museums open free to the public. The attendant in the gallery told me that the sculptures had only returned to the museum about two weeks before, having been on tour. He expected them to go back out on tour in about six months. You can also see them in the Library of Congress in this short video from the History Channel.

Of course, why dawdle over some heads and hands when you can sit with Abraham Lincoln in his entirety? More on the second photo later.

More on Abraham Lincoln.

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America. His newest Lincoln book is scheduled for release in February 2022. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World and two specialty e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Follow me for updates on my Facebook author page and Goodreads.

The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews

Butterfly EffectI found an unexpected inspiration this morning. Wandering around my home library while shaving (as I am wont to do), I came across a small book called The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews. Curiosity led me to flip open to a random page, where I surprisingly found myself in the midst of a Civil War conversation. Intrigued, I decided to finish reading the book. I’m glad I did.

Andy Andrews has apparently made a name for himself as a speaker and inspirational writer. I had never heard of him. But he’s made the New York Times bestseller list at least twice and been invited to speak by at least four Presidents.

The Civil War conversation explored the decision by Union Colonel Joshua Chamberlain to lead his handful of remaining men on a charge against Confederate forces at Gettysburg. After five assaults on their position had left him with only 80 men and no ammunition, Chamberlain chose to risk it all in an all-out counter-assault. Essentially, a bluff. Andrews argues that this one insane act changed the course of history – saved Gettysburg for the Union troops, which saved the Union, which saved America, which allowed America to grow into a world power capable of stepping in to help save the world from axis forces on two fronts during World War II.

A butterfly flaps its wings and sets in motion events that have far-reaching effects.

One man makes a decision that changes the future of the world.

Andrews provides another example tracing back in time from a scientist named Norman Borlaug to FDR’s Vice-President Henry Wallace to George Washington Carver to a farmer named Moses. And what did Moses Carver’s act result in? The saving of two billion lives from famine.

His point, of course, is that everything we do in our lives matters.

Tesla: Wizard of Electricity

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Tesla Off-Broadway Opens Soon – Get Your Tickets Now

In less than a fortnight the off-Broadway production of TESLA kicks off its run at Theatre 80 in New York City. I had the privilege of talking to the cast about Tesla, Edison, and other key characters two weeks ago and based on the script by Sheri Graubert and the direction by Sanja Beštić, I expect this to be a great play. Here’s the official poster for the show:

Tesla official poster

Without giving too much away, the basic premise is that of the aging scientist living out his last days in World War II-era New York, lamenting his inability to save his war-torn homeland of Yugoslavia. The old “Tesla,” played by veteran actor Jack Dimich, reminisces about his glory days as an inventive genius bringing alternating current to the masses. James Lee Taylor stars as the young “Nikola” as he works first with, then as a competitor to, Thomas Edison (played by Tom Cappadona). The interactions – and the contrasts – in personalities and work styles between Tesla and Edison is a key aspect of the play.

Other characters from Tesla’s life also make appearances, including collaborator George Westinghouse (played by Alessandro Colla), radio-rival Guglielmo Marconi and friend Mark Twain (both played by Anthony Guerino), Yugoslavian King Peter and Luka (played by Luka Mijatovic), and long-time friend Katharine Johnson (played by Samantha Slater).

I’ll have more on the play as opening night gets closer. You can follow directly on the Tesla Off Broadway Facebook page.

The timing of the play couldn’t be better. A week ago the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe signed the papers to officially purchase Tesla’s last laboratory on Long Island. My book, Tesla: Wizard of Electricity, will be available from Barnes and Noble by early July, just in time for Nikola Tesla’s July 10th birthday and the Tesla Days celebration in Philadelphia.

So no time to waste. Check out the links below to get your tickets for the play now.

EasyTheatres proudly presents TESLA written by Sheri Graubert, directed by Sanja Bestic.

US Premiere, May 24th 2013 at 8pm
@ Theatre 80, 80 Saint Marks Place, New York City.

Get your tickets today at:

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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Book Review – Bolívar: American Liberator by Marie Arana

Bolivar by Marie AranaI recently received a copy of a new book and was asked to read it and write a book review. This is that review.

Simón Bolívar liberated six South American countries from Spanish rule. An amazing achievement. Marie Arana has accomplished no less an amazing achievement in her mighty tome Bolívar: American Liberator (Simon & Schuster, 2013). Arana’s book is impressive, both in its girth (464 pages of text plus over 100 pages of notes) and the depth of research conducted into Bolívar’s life.

Born into a wealthy family in 1783 Caracas in the Venezuelan portion of the Spanish empire, Simón Bolívar hardly seemed destined to be a revolutionary. A slight 5’6” in height and only 130 lbs, he nevertheless was a “spirited youth.” He grew up in luxury in a country in which the Spanish crown had imposed strict divisions between the classes and races. A trip to Europe as he came of age exposed him to even greater privilege, but also inspired him to pledge that he would liberate his homeland. Arana captures this coming of age in a story that reads like a novel.

After two revolutions fail to take hold, Bolívar finally is able to lead the creation of a third republic that begins a constant battle that would consume him for the rest of his life. Arana deftly intertwines the events of the United States (War of 1812) and Europe (Napoleon, Spanish wars) with the major battles and exploits of Bolívar and other key players both within and without of his control. In what we now might call “mission creep,” the revolution to rid Venezuela from the Spanish spreads across greater Granada and beyond to encompass what now includes Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and the newly created Bolivia (named after Bolívar). The “George Washington of South America,” Bolívar liberated the people and yet in the final years of his short life had the people turn on him. He died in exile, in poverty, and bed-ridden with tuberculosis, in his prematurely-aged 47th year.

One of the strengths of the book is the way Arana is able to delve into the imperfections of Bolívar as a man – his many mistresses, his adeptness with military command yet inability to command the politics of effective government, and the many mistakes he made as he tried to create democracies in lands mired by corruption and 300 years of subservience. Arana superbly brings this complex man to life. Often vilified in that life, Bolívar’s legend has grown in the nearly two centuries since his death to the point where leaders from Venezuela and environs attempt to invoke the name of Bolívar to support their own policies, even though those policies may be the antithesis to everything for which Bolívar toiled.

I highly recommend Bolívar: American Liberator. Those with family ties to the region will benefit from the knowledge of both the accomplishments and imperfections of the man. Those in the United States and elsewhere will benefit from the opportunity to learn about one of the most important men in modern history, one most of us likely don’t know much about at all.

Marie Arana’s website: http://mariearana.net/bolivar/

David J. Kent is the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, in Barnes and Noble stores now. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity (2013) and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (2016) and two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

Recap of CPRC-SETAC 2013 Annual Spring Meeting

CPRC logoThe air was chillier than expected, but that didn’t slow down the 55 scientists who gathered at the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (CBEC) on Earth Day. The occasion was the annual spring meeting of the Chesapeake Potomac Regional Chapter (CPRC) of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Science Traveler is a proud sponsor of CPRC.

Day one was a free optional day made available for CPRC members and their families to take advantage of the varied wildlife habitats at CBEC. A small group of us met in the early morning of April 21st for a guided bird walk led by Dave Palmer of Wildlife International. Dave’s knowledge of the local birds was amazing as he often identified them from their calls long before they came into sight. In the two hours or so walk through marshland, forest, and around the lake, we saw several dozen different kinds of birds, including nesting owls and ospreys. In the afternoon several members boarded kayaks for a closer look at the habitats and birds.

CPRC birdwalk

Day two was the meat of the meeting. Fifteen speakers presented their research and entertained questions. Vicki Paulus gave us some insights into the activities at CBEC, followed by an update on SETAC activities by long-time CPRC member and immediate past-president of SETAC-North America, Barnett Rattner. Our keynote speaker was Tim Wheeler, environmental reporter for The Baltimore Sun, who gave us a history of the 30-year fight to save the Chesapeake Bay.

Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun

Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun

I’m happy to say that we had a wonderful showing of students at the meeting. In addition to the platform presenters we had several posters that stood prominently on easels in the meeting hall. Five of these students won CPRC presentation awards –  more on those in a future post.

CPRC annual spring meeting 2013

I’m also very happy to see the engagement of participants at the meeting. The question and answer portions of each talk were often quite lively, with some speakers holding court during the breaks to answer questions that overflowed the allotted time. Even more impressive was the number of people who participated in the “Open Board” meeting during the lunch break. The interest level for doing even more during the rest of the year was very high, as illustrated by the number of people who volunteered for open officer positions, student representative to the Board, and the steering committee to plan the 2014 spring meeting. [Note to all – the Board met last week and will be scheduling elections and follow up meetings shortly]

We wrapped up our Earth Day meeting with a reception that included some amazing food (I was partial to the shrimp), not to mention wine and beer. Thanks to all who attended. Thanks also to Vicki and Judy at CBEC for making available the facility and Casual Caterers for catering everything from breakfast through the reception.

CPRC Board et al.

CPRC Board et al. (Photo courtesy of Dan Lavoie)

And finally, as the current President of CPRC, I would like to formally thank everyone on the Board and Steering Committee who made this all happen. The work you all put into this meeting was outstanding.

More from the meeting will be posted on the ever-expanding CPRC website.

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Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Laboratory Purchased for a Museum

WardenclyffeThe New Yorker Hotel, where Nikola Tesla lived out the last 10 years of his life, was the setting for a remarkable news conference on May 2, 2013. Jane Alcorn, President of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe announced that after many months of paperwork, Tesla’s Wardenclyffe laboratory was now officially purchased. The group will turn the famous scientist’s last working lab into a museum and science center.

This has been a long road for Jane and others, who have striven for many years to acquire the more than 15-acre property. Yesterday that dream became a reality.

In a follow up article I’ll have more on the event and the future activities to renovate the laboratory. For now you can watch the recording of the live feed (provided free from Kevin Wood) on the Tesla Science Center‘s home page or on the RememberTesla.com site. An earlier post of mine provides more details on the history of the purchase.Congratulations to Jane Alcorn and all of the people who worked so hard to make this happen.

More information on the release of Tesla: Wizard of Electricity.

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Attendance at the American Society of Journalists and Authors Conference

David J. KentLast weekend (April 25-27) I attended the annual conference of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). I’m not a member, yet, but plan to be as soon as I meet the strict eligibility requirements for this professional society. My book, Tesla: Wizard of Electricity, is one credit towards being eligible, and I’m working on others.

Three-and-a-half hours on Amtrak and a 1.25 mile trek through Manhattan (with laptop and garment bags heavily strapped to my shoulders) brought me to the Roosevelt Hotel, the “Grand Dame of Madison Avenue.” I arrived just in time for the awards ceremony, where ASJA honors their own for excellence in writing, including Wendee Nicole for science writing.

As a first-timer I picked a range of sessions to get my feet wet. I started with “Building Your Business Through Travel Blogging.” As readers of this site will no doubt have guessed, one of my passions is to travel, so I must admit to being envious of the panel members who get paid to travel and write about their experiences. I was especially intrigued by Patricia Serrano, whose unique blend of travel writing and film-making is summed up well in her Fresh Traveler blog’s tag line – “off the beaten path adventures for a fresh mind, body and spirit.”

Next up was “Covering Your Assets: Personal Finance for the Independent Writer,” where I learned about retirement plans, insurance, and why you should NOT quit your day job. Then on to luncheon with featured speaker A.J. Jacobs. Jacobs is the author of three best-selling memoirs that include reading the entire 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica, living a year by the rules of the Bible (Old Testament!), and his latest, Drop Dead Healthy. In short, Jacobs was both hilarious and helpful as he offered some great advice to writers. But Jacobs wasn’t the only person at the luncheon that gave out good advice – I had the pleasure of chatting with David Volk, an ASJA member and author of The Cheap Bastard’s Guide to Seattle. David was the one who reminded me to get photos of my meeting with the cast of the off-Broadway play, Tesla.

After lunch I couldn’t resist a session called “Spice Up Your Storytelling with Statistics.” Led by Laura Laing, author of Math for Grownups and the forthcoming Math for Writers, the session showed how statistics can help bring out the meat of the story. She also showed how not to use statistics, like pie charts of types of pies that total up to over 200%. The chart was confusing if not delicious. Next up was “Humanizing Esoterica: Turn Complex Ideas Into Great Stories,” by the inimitably named pairing of Barry Burd and Patchen Barss. Both of these afternoon sessions fit into my overall vision of communicating science in a way that is understandable and interesting to the general public.

But wait, there’s more.

As a winner of an ASJA scholarship to attend the event, I also had the chance to sit down for a mentoring session with an established author. I was privileged to spend a half hour with Tim Harper, author of 12 books as well as a freelance writer, writing coach, editorial consultant, and in his spare time, brainchild behind a new publishing venture at the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism. Tim provided some valuable insight for putting together a proposal for my new book on Abraham Lincoln’s love of science and technology.

And that was just day one. A good place to stop. More on the second day in a later post.

More about ASJA.

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My visit with the cast of Tesla off-Broadway

While in New York for the ASJA conference this weekend I had the opportunity to visit with the cast of the new off-Broadway play called Tesla. They had heard about my Nikola Tesla book through the grapevine (most notably Nikola Lonchar of the Tesla Science Foundation) and asked me to talk to them about the personalities of key players like Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, Mark Twain, and of course, Nikola Tesla.

Meeting the cast of Tesla off Broadway

Photo courtesy of Sanja Bestic

I’ll have more details later but for now I’ll just tell you that I enjoyed the experience immensely. Sanja Beštić, director of the play, and Sheri Graubert, the playwright, along with other members of the cast welcomed me to a hot New York studio for two hours of Tesla-heavy conversation.

With Sanja Bestic and Sheri Graubert

Our session ended abruptly as someone had reserved the studio, but we managed to squeeze in a few photos. Here I am with the star of the show, James Lee Taylor, who plays the younger Nikola Tesla.

With James Lee Taylor

A quick stop at the local Dean & Deluca for a bite with Sanja and Sheri and then I was on my way to Penn Station and a long Amtrak ride home. But I expect to be back in New York in late May to catch opening night of Tesla at Theatre 80. I hope you’ll join me.

David J. Kent is an avid science traveler and the author of Lincoln: The Man Who Saved America, now available. His previous books include Tesla: The Wizard of Electricity and Edison: The Inventor of the Modern World (both Fall River Press). He has also written two e-books: Nikola Tesla: Renewable Energy Ahead of Its Time and Abraham Lincoln and Nikola Tesla: Connected by Fate.

Check out my Goodreads author page. While you’re at it, “Like” my Facebook author page for more updates!

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